Totally Not Flirting

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"You're staring again."

George jumped a mile in the air resulting in Alicia to giggle slightly, he cleared his throat as he looked around the shelving of books he was currently hiding behind.

"Honestly if you fancy her, then ask her to Hogsmeade, ask her to do anything with you! Alone!" Alicia hissed with a smirk.

George looked at the book in his hands, sucking in his cheek as he shook his head. "I wasn't staring, Alicia."

"Alright, whatever you want to tell yourself," Alicia snorted.

On the other side of the aisle, Alicia spotted Harper sitting with Hermione, the two working on their assignments together. Oblivious to George and Alicia.

"Besides, Harpsichord is different. I can't just tell her how I feel." George's neck turned a scarlet, his ears camouflaging into his hair.

Alicia rolled her eyes, making a noise before stepping away and out of sight of the oblivious Harper.

"Oh hey, Harper!" Alicia waved behind George, making him spin in a circle, knocking over a stack of books that had been sitting beside them. Alicia doubled over laughing as George glared at her, not finding her joke amusing.

"Really, Spinnet?!" George hissed.

"Really what?" George froze as Alicia clamped a hand over her mouth, continuing to laugh as Harper fixed George with a smile and raised eyebrows.

"Hello, Harpsichord. Fancy seeing you here...."

"In the library? Working?" Harper put a hand on her hip, trying not to laugh, "the real question is what're you doing here? You find the library boring, you've told me as much."

It's not boring when you're around, Nonemacker

George could've sworn for a split second that Harper's breathing hitched in a moment of speechlessness, before she cleared her throat, averting her gaze. "Well I was here looking for Lee actually."

"Try again," Harper scoffed. Alicia snickered beside George as Harper slowly caught on.

"Don't know what you mean," George stammered, quirking an eyebrow.

"Lee doesn't set foot in here unless it's to steal my assignments, haven't seen him so try again."

At this point his neck was hot and he knew he was failing in lying to Harper. She was pretty, most likely one of the prettiest girls in school, so of course if he was looking in the library for a book he'd needed for muggle studies, he'd stop and glance at her if the opportunity arose.

"Fine, you caught me," George conceded. "But I was here to see if you'd like to....go to the quidditch pitch as a nice break."

"for what?" Her eyes sparked slightly as she smiled.

Thinking fast on his feet, he didn't expect her to ask for elaboration, Alicia stood next to him grinning as she held in her laugh. "Wanted to see if you're any good at flying," he shrugged, "you always seem interested about quidditch and watch every practice....time to see if you can get on the team next year as reserve."

Alicia was shaking beside him, holding in her laugh as he continued without thinking. "You know that's the only way to be in our group, have to be part of the team."

"Then explain Lee," Harper scowled, her demeanor changing.

"He's our commentator. Best one there is, so he's an honorary part of the team."

Harper fidgeted slightly, something told him his words cut her differently than he'd intended them to.

"I see," Harper whispered, any cheerfulness had evaporated from her voice, he thought it shook slightly. "Unfortunately, I have plans with Hermione but I'll see you later."

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