Give Me Your Hand

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"I like the show
And can I say that you're the prettiest girl that I know
Or will ever know
So give me your hand
Got a record on the table and I think it's gonna make
You wanna let go
An opportunity to get a little wild, baby can I get a smile,
Damn I hope so"
-Give me your hand, The Ready Set


"I'm not exactly sure what you've done to that Ministry official, but I will advise you to stay under the radar. Maybe actually reprimand certain students and their antics, or else I believe you'll be expelled quicker than you were from Beauxbatons," Snape reprimanded Harper as he tucked his wand in his robes. "I do admit that you're occlumency has improved."

Harper sighed, the room was spinning around her. Her stomach lurched, threatening to spew her breakfast all over the floor, ignoring Snape's commentary. "Why am I so sick?"

"I had to be a bit more intrusive to see where you stand," the slight cracking of his neck was the only indication that there was more to that statement.

She pursed her lips.

That's a lie.

Snape didn't react, there was no twitch of his eye or anything-Harper knew he was still lurking in his mind, so why wasn't he reacting to her comment? He placed a vial of pepper-up solution on his desk, waving his wand, the office door opening. "You're free to go, Miss Nonemacker."

"Why are you lying?" Harper asked, getting to her feet, her knees buckled slightly. "Occlumency has never hurt so much before, just been exhausting. Now I feel like I'm going to faint."

"Yes, being a naturally gifted legilimens does make occlumency a touch easier, but there are limits and you've reached them. That's is all."

She held up a shaky finger, "it's not normal for me to be this sick. A migraine, yeah. But I'm going to faint at this rate."

The room was silent aside from the long release of oxygen from Snape as he sighed, his face staring at his desk. "The situation of the world is not normal, Miss Nonemacker."

She reached for the small vial, turning it around in her hand with a frown. "He knows about me then is what you're saying. This wasn't just a random test to check how much my occlumency is intact, it was to see if I could handle torture should I get taken."

Snape didn't speak a word, pocketing his wand in his robes, he left the room and her behind. Harper scowled hurrying after him, uncapping the pepper-up solution and downing it, the shakiness of her body slowly ebbing away as the peppermint tasting potion was absorbed into her bloodstream.

"Oi! Professor! I'm not done speaking with you!" Harper shouted after him, following fast on his heels.

He ignored her completely. waving his wand at desks as he passed, making cauldrons situate themselves in the empty spaces.

"If I'm going to be kidnapped can you at least warn me first?!" Harper was shouting, Snape shook his head, she could feel his eyes rolling in his head. Turning on his heel he towered over her with a sneer, she gulped as she came to a dead stop, stammering as he scowled.

"You shouldn't make light of the situation Miss Nonemacker, what I'm doing is a curtesy. Should you truly fall into the hands that only seek to destroy your mind for their gain, it would be a disservice to not give you a fighting chance."

Harper opened and closed her mouth as he continued to glare at her, "a disservice to who exactly?"

He turned on his heel, continuing out of the room and into the corridor.

"Professor!" Harper stopped in the middle of the corridor.

"Miss Nonemacker, I beg of you to take your situation seriously," Snape stopped, looking over his shoulder. The pepper-up solution that let a warm feeling was suddenly a ball of ice in her chest as he walked toward her.

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