Marry You

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"It's a beautiful night,
We're looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you.
Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby, I think I wanna marry you"
-Marry You, Bruno Mars


"—I will forever love and care for you, Harper Nonemacker."

Taking a deep breath, George looked up from the small brown leather book toward the stuffed bird he'd been using as a sounding board to rehearse his vows, the stuffed raven flopped to its right, staring back at him.

"I know....bit cliché in some parts..." George sighed, ruffling his hair slightly. "But that's part of my charm isn't it?"

The stuffed toy only stared.

"You come up with something better then," muttering and shutting his book with a snap.

The raven fell from its perch atop an old radio receiver with a soft thump onto the table, George carefully picking it up and setting it atop its perch once more.

"Shall we see what our girl is doing then?" Giving the stuffed bird a pat on the head, George exited the shop office and bounded upstairs.

Gently opening the door, the scent of freshly baked lavender shortbread greeted him, soft music coming from the hall. Taking one of the cooling biscuits from the dining table, George quietly approached his room where the music was playing, opening the door to find Harper sitting on the edge of their bed-her back to him, swarmed by an array of different colored albums.

George took the opportunity to study his girl, how her messy bun moved from side to side in time with the music as she swayed. How unbothered she was about the world beyond their room.

When the world gets too heavy, put it on my back
I will be your levy
You are taking me apart, like bad glue on a get well card
It as always you falling for me
Now there's always time calling for me
I'm the light, waiting at the end of the road
Blink back to let me know

Harper softly hummed along with the words, looking over the vinyl cover in her hands, George smiled-these were his favorite moments, when Harper was unguarded, not afraid of the world, not listening to whatever the fates wanted to whisper in her ear. Walking closer, he sat behind her, taking the last of the corner of the bed she'd left available to him, his right leg acting as support as he took Harper in his arms.

"You shouldn't be in here!" Harper gasped, surprise in her voice as he rested his chin on her shoulder and looked at the vinyl art in her hands.

"I think that only counts for the dress, love," George laughed.

Harper gave him a sidelong glance, "well I'm not done selecting what songs I wanted to play you for a potential first dance!"

"Where'd you get all these?" Asking as he picked up a black album with a couple mid kiss covered in blood, he quirked an eyebrow at the artwork.

"Joy, Alicia, Celeste, my personal collection...they're mostly muggle bands, a few good wizarding bands as well," Harper shrugged, she shifted forward, giving George more than the corner of the mattress.

"What's been your favorite then?"

Harper bit her lip, slowly shaking her head, "erm..."

"Come on, share with the class, beautiful," he said, giving her shoulder a kiss.

"Don't laugh then..." Harper muttered rustling the assembled albums around them and finding a lavender colored vinyl. "This one is my second favorite currently," setting it to play.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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