The Edge

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"You said you'd stay, I said I'd wait
Oh, those words we spoke in vain
I still recall the bitter taste
I guess some things never change"
-The Edge, Tonight Alive


The day the students returned, Harper had been sitting in the common room, Fred came and tackled her in a hug but George stood frozen in place-the two stared each other down for what felt like an eternity. Angelina and Lee had to break the tension by suggesting opening all the gifts they'd gotten each other together. Harper declined and left the group to their devices.

"I thought we would be alright when I least speaking," George muttered beside Angelina as he turned her box of exploding snaps in his hands.

"I think the break was hard on her, Snape wasn't very nice," Angelina offered with a smile.

George wordlessly passed her a wrapped box, without a word Angelina smiled and tucked it behind her.

"Sure she'll love it," Angelina said as she bumped his arm.

"It's just a picture of her with Fred and I at the burrow last summer....not as fancy as you think."

"She'll love that," Alicia grinned across from George, unwrapping a sugar quill.

"I wish she was down here," Joy pouted, unwrapping her chocolate frog with a sigh.

"She told me Snape was ruthless on their lessons, must be tired," Angelina mused.

George looked up toward the stairs, trying not to laugh as the black bun ducked from view as best she could.

Come on Harpsichord, I don't bite

He saw the top knot swivel side to side, he bit his bottom lip as he chuckled.

At least for the girls...I'll even leave

Again the knot was steady for a moment but moved side to side again, George sort of found this type of thing endearing as he snorted. But then he remembered that she could sense his emotions when she heard his thoughts, he was suddenly very conscious of how he felt—not wanting to hurt her—watching the knot turn to leave.

"Remember how timid and shy she was when we met her?" Angelina asked, prodding George's arm. "She didn't want friends when we met, we forced our way into her life and now she's trying to juggle that crazy ability and her desire for something normal like friends....she'll come back around, George."

"I just wish I could talk to her for a moment."

Angelina huffed, nodding slowly before she was grinning. "Oi, everyone," she waved the rest of the groups attention to herself as she smiled. "I say we set Harper up with a bit of a test, what do you say?"

"No more Celeste parties," George objected immediately.

"No, I was thinking of using Fred's plan," Angelina nodded her head to Fred.

It was the following Friday, Harper was sitting with Hermione looking over her notes. School resumed and Harper continued to avoid the Great Hall for meals with everyone, but she was slowly back to sitting with her group during classes-including talking to George. Even if only small things about the class or to thank him for a new quill or parchment.

"Haven't you made up with George yet?" Hermione asked as they sat in the library.

"It's complicated..." Harper muttered, flipping through her book.

Harper looked back to her notes, she'd found a potion last term that combined with a spell would allow the drinker of the potion to view a memory the brewer provided. With this train of logic Harper finally found a way to properly explain to George why she was hurt all those months ago, why she was keeping her distance, and why she was slowly rebuilding her trust in him.

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