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"Taken back to the sidewalk where we met,
And carved out our names, do you remember that?
I'm coming home, Did you take off while I was gone?
I missed it all, I missed you
I wanna know when all the leaves begin to fall.
If I'm falling, I'm falling apart for you"
-Homecoming, Hey Monday


"Wren, don't you think we're going overboard?" Asher sighed as he turned Rosie the niffler over and shook her a bit-silverware and jewelry falling out of her front pouch in a small pile.

"She's not going back, sending us her Hogwarts letter and making her Head Girl?! They're joking!" Wren muttered with a huff.

"It's nothing like that, love! We know she has to go back, they know she has to go back," Asher sighed, taking a seat on the plush couch beside his wife.

"What if Severus has told him about her? What if-"

"That's exactly why we need to have her go back!" They'd been having this conversation for weeks, recently the civil conversation often turned heated and a stiff tension could be felt all throughout the house.

"If she goes back, the castle protects her while we work on a plan. She has at least eight months of guaranteed safety. Regardless if Severus did inform Voldemort of her existence."

Wren was quiet for several minutes, sighing as she let her hair out of the tight bun, shaking it out. Pressing her nails along her scalp, her migraine intensifying.

"I know you're frightened, Wren....but really, this is what we need to do," Asher lowered his voice, he watched Rosie scurry to the fireplace, attempting to take a small embedded polished fake gem from the tiling before quickly giving up.

"Harper is still upset over losing her friend, over Minerva and Albus not listening to her-"

"You know Minerva did all that she could, that woman adores Harper-"

"But Albus-"

"I never really trusted him to begin with," Asher muttered quietly, scratching his beard with a thoughtful expression. "But I do trust that castle and Minerva, Harper can take care of herself and there's Sybill....you know Harper would never forgive us if we just leave Sybill there."

"If we did, nifflers and her torturous sweets would be the least of our concerns," Wren sighed heavily.

Wren pressed her knuckle into her forehead, running it in circles as she closed her eyes.

"Like mother like daughter," Asher chuckled, picking up his book from the coffee table, Wren opened an eye and glared at him.

"I never would've reacted like this! Making my mother fear her own cooking, teas, anything in the house at all...and then releasing a creature that steals anything that sparkles! I would never." Harper made true on her word, leaving a variety of the skiving snackbox sweets around disguised as anything possible. First they were small grapes, then when she got wise to that Harper changed it to something else. Wren was so terrified it would be in her morning teas most days and all meals she made had to be monitored by Asher the entire time, incase Harper tried to slip something in while her mother's back was turned.

"No, but I do remember you charming all the plates to disappear when your mother didn't particularly like our engagement," his smirk was huge, noting his wife's face begin to blush.

"Today has been a bit too quiet," Wren mused, looking over at the fireplace.

"She's been working on something in the garden," Asher paused for a moment, meeting his wife's gaze, "for that joke shop Arthur's sons are planning."

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