Let's Try Quidditch or Trust

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"Professor McGonagall?" The witch turned to her name, seeing Harper Nonemacker standing with her books in hand, twitching nervously. "I was wondering, could...would it be-" she cleared her throat and started again, "I want to be at the first quidditch game."

The wise witch gave a sympathetic smile, understanding Harper's desire to support her friends during their first match of the year, especially against Syltherin. "Miss Nonemacker. I understand your desire-"

"Please! Professor Snape says I'm doing really well in my lessons, I've made a lot of progress!"

She cleared her throat, nodding slightly, "it might be overwhelming."

"Professor Trelawney had these earmuffs....if we could perform the silencing charm on them...maybe it'll help! Or whatever charm we use for the classes? It's worth a shot, I just want to watch our house win."

As someone who loved quidditch, McGonagall fully understood the girls point. With a small nod, she gave a smile, "I suppose I could allow it if you sat with the announcer box. Where I'll be...we'll keep an eye on you."

Harper squealed happily before hugging her head of house and running down the halls. The first person she found was Angelina who stood in shock as Harper took her hands and jumped up and down.

"I'm going to be in the stands on Saturday," Harper grinned. Angelina gasped, joining the jumping as she squealed in excitement, "I have to make a sign! Do you make signs?! I'm making one."

Angelina laughed, enjoying seeing this side of Harper as she grinned.

Saturday came and Harper was nothing but excited as she got dressed in her Gryffindor sweater and scarf, grinning as she grabbed her huge sign she'd made. It had all her friends' names on the board with a giant lion head in the middle. She ran down the steps, crashing into someone at the bottom of the steps. It turned out to be Ron Weasley

"I am so sorry!" She stammered as she helped Ron to her feet.

"Nice poster," Ron laughed as he cracked his neck.

Harper smiled, "are you alright?"

"Yeah yeah, did you make that for the team?"

Harper grinned, "yes! See you down there!"

"Hope it's a good match!"

Harper grinned as she walked off to the great hall for breakfast, no one was around as she hurriedly ate her food. She patted her wand against her ankle in her boot, assessing that she had everything she needed. She'd camouflaged the earmuffs she'd taken from Sybill and Flitwick had put the necessary charms on them.

"Oi! Harper are you ready? We should get to the stands and make sure the sound equipment is working," Lee Jordan patted her shoulder.

Taking a deep breath, she made her way to the stands with Lee, sitting by the edge of the stands and closest to the exit just in case. She pulled out her book she'd brought and began to read as she waited for everyone else to arrive. Joy arrived soon after, decked in Gryffindor gear including makeup on their cheeks: hearts of red and gold and Lions drawn on. Joy took out her makeup she'd brought and drew the same hearts in Harper's cheeks.

"There! Now you'll be even cuter when we wait for everyone," Joy grinned, bumping her shoulder as Lee laughed.

The stands became more crowded as the professors arrived, Harper took a deep breath, steadying her nerves. This was the most important test for her right now.

I can do this

Suddenly the Gryffindor team was flying the field, circling around as the crowd cheered for the red and gold. Angelina and Alicia flew low into the stands, Harper held out her hand to her friends who high fived her.

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