Dream a Little Dream of Me

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"Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me"
-Dream a little Dream of me, Doris Day


Stay away from us, freak

You're a monster

Disgusting, dangerous!

I thought being a seer was bad enough

Harper shook her head of the voices from the past, looking out at the lake as snow began to fall. There was a tightness in her chest, standing there observing the peaceful scenery.

"Oh look, Marzipan. Our darling was waiting for us!" Astrid gave a fake laugh as she adjusted her fur caplet around her shoulders. Harper turning to give a withering stare, her upper lip curling slightly.

"What exactly do you want now?" Harper sighed heavily. Taking in their appearances, she stifled a laugh when she observed their faces. Both girls were sporting varying degrees of blisters and boils all over their faces, Marz's had calmed down while Astrid's face was still an angry red across her face. "Aw, did we walk into some stinging jinxes ladies?"

"Cute, Nonemacker. But you know exactly how we got these," Marz growled, twirling her wand between her fingers.

Harper gave her best innocent smile, "wasn't me. I would prefer to see you two spewing your guts out across the grounds."

Astrid snorted slightly, "we're just here for a little chat, darling. I was hopeful I'd figure out how exactly you have friends here, but it seems everyone is rather tight lipped and oblivious. Other students mention that you're so sweet! So friendly! Pretty and smart! But they don't know, do they?" The girl took a step closer, she was still an inch shorter than Harper, but she tried to be an intimidating presence. "The sooner you realize you won't ever get a chance at happiness, the better off you'll be in the future. But you just don't seem to understand that simple idea."

Harper frowned, her anxiety skyrocketing as she glared at the two girls, Astrid sneered.

"I'm telling you now, leave me alone. This time I'm not playing around," Harper threatened.

Astrid's eyes flashed with vicious amusement at Harper's glare. "That ginger of yours...when he found out, he ran away...didn't he?"

"I'm warning you...." Harper spoke darkly.

Marz and Astrid grinned, chuckling slightly, "you really think we're scared of you?"

"I've been through enough shit in my life and I'm tired of it all," Harper flourished her wand from her robe pocket, pointing it directly between Astrid's eyes. "I have control over myself, I have friends, I have a boyfriend. I will not stand here and let you threaten me a second longer. So stop being arses and shove off."

"Not until I see some humility on that face of yours," Astrid sneered. "You don't deserve a happy ending."

"Why is that exactly?"

"You got off easy for what you did!" Marz scoffed, all but shouting in her face.

"I got off easy?!" Harper screamed at the top of her lungs, giving a dry laugh. "I lost all my friends, I lost all credibility in my academic abilities, I was expelled. How dare you stand here and tell me I got off easy! I never wanted this god damn curse! Fuck I still don't even fully understand it! I have miniscule control that I work on every single day in a grueling classroom with exhaustive measures," Her blood pressure skyrocketed as her voice continued to go up several octaves, she felt her arms shaking as she stood there, the two girls flinched slightly, taking a few steps back. "I came in as a transfer to third year, all these people already had established friend groups-but I got accepted! I climbed to the top of my year on pure skill, I came to this school to get rid of my ability-this fucking curse. Don't you dare think you can waltz in here and belittle me, intimidate me. I have to live with this god damn curse every single day."

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