This is Halloween

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"You've made no progress?" Snape's voice drawled on as Harper stood before him.

She cleared her throat slightly, "I've been trying...but...after that fiasco in the hall? I haven't had much else."

Snape raised an eyebrow, "five years of hearing thoughts and random snippets of memories and suddenly you're all done?"

It took every single fiber of Harper's being to not allow the man before her to set off her temper. No one was more sick of not having her ability under control by now than herself.

"I'm working as best I can, stopped Joy three times last month in record time, Angelina...She's told me that I don't even seem to respond when she tries anymore....but I still have problems with the pressure. That's been the major sticking point."

Snape was silent for a long time.

"Honestly with the level of practice and training, some may say you're a master of the art. However...." Snape sighed, obviously tired of her inability to have this over and done with, "it is a mystery even to myself. Last week's incident can be attributed to the inner eye, how it was provoked is unfortunately beyond my comprehension."

Harper kept her face neutral, wanting to scream and yell at the man. She specifically came to this school because Dumbledore promised her parents that Snape was a true master of legilimens. He would be able to help her. But it was three years since she arrived here and she was still at the beginning of it all.

"Then what do I do?" Harper whispered, everything in her was screaming as she attempted to keep her tone even.

"Keep working. And if there's no progress before end of term, next term we go to more drastic measures."

Swallowing all the words she had, she took her bag and started to leave. Taking a deep breath as she steadied her nerves, continued down the silent corridor. Her mind racing as she thought about her time here so far. Her first year she was progressing well for not understanding herself, second year while it had fallen off track toward the end she did improve dramatically. But this year? She stopped Joy at the feast, wasn't able to stop her during classes until this week and she couldn't hear Angelina at all, even if Angelina mentioned she was saying something-Harper didn't hear her at all. What did that mean?! Did she finally get tired of Angelina's voice? Did that mean she just had to wait until the entire student body went through her mind?! Harper glared out one of the windows she passed as she contemplated what was going on with her. Was she just wasting hers and Snape's time? She felt as if she were.

If I go to the tower, that will raise alarm

Harper stopped walking, not a sound was made through the corridor.

He wouldn't be dumb enough to hide there, but...Maybe...

Slowly turning around, Harper saw she was alone in the hall. Not even a ghost, a few portraits were hung along the walls, but they were fast asleep. Who was talking to her?

Need to act fast

Harper slowly reached into her robes pocket and pulled out her wand, looking around the corridor as she slid her wand up her sleeve and stood very still.

"Homenum Revelio."

Nothing happened, kneeling down and taking off her boots, Harper crept to the nearest secret passage she knew. It was located behind one of the sleeping portraits, as she opened it she led with her wand tip pointed high.

"Lumos," Harper whispered, but as her eyes adjusted to the darkness she was met with nothing again.

Harper frowned before grabbing her boots and sprinting toward McGonagall's office. She burst through the classroom, the first years in the room all jumped and stared at Harper's haggard appearance.

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