Love From the Other Side

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Tired, urine and blood soaked. Harper laid on the ground, staring back at the fabric that still covered her eyes, imagining the process to make a shrinking potion. Trying to keep her mind sharp as she laid away the days, food was given to her twice a day-lifted into a seated position and placed in her hands where she blindly fed herself. The world was still dark and silent.

She was still uncertain what happened to her memories, had someone actually come and removed them? Or had she hallucinated that entire scenario as a coping mechanism as she destroyed her own mind from Voldemort?

When Harper looked through her mind, in the far reaches of her mind sat a protective wall, hidden from all except her. These protected memories looked like still portraits, abstract and painted scenes that didn't move or have any sound. A village that looked wonderful in the snow, people on broomsticks playing quidditch, a night sky that was beyond beautiful, a room with a roaring fire and people in robes—these were the types of abstract things she remembered. No defined faces, no sounds, just scenery that wasn't strongly defined aside from colors and shapes. Any face she remembered was blurred and out of focus.

The only thing Harper had managed to keep were dozens of potions, patiently working through them was the only thing keeping her calm in an otherwise hellish existence.

She was going the steps to make a vanishing potion when the world came alive with sound, she flinched at the sudden crescendo of noise.

"Get her up and cleaned." A voice called, hands were on her, she had no energy to walk as she let her legs drag behind her, the stone flooring adding cuts on the top of her feet.

She was brought somewhere that smelled sweet, her clothes were stripped away and she was pushed forward, shivering as she felt hands guide her into what was scalding hot water. Someone removed her blindfold, the daylight causing her to flinch and keep her eyes closed as the ordinary light assaulted her eyes.

There were no words spoken as she was scrubbed vigorously, the scalding water turning her skin pink while she was scrubbed raw. When they were done with her body she was unceremoniously dunked under the water and her hair was scrubbed to the point she thought her scalp would bleed. She cried out when she finally was allowed above the water, her hair was tugged backwards, her neck hitting the edge of the tub, she felt her hair cut in one swipe.

"That's enough get her into these, let's go."

Harper kept her eyes closed, the light being too much for her. She felt hot air on her body as she was shoved into clothing like a little girl changing a doll. Her blindfold was put back on, the nausea the lighting caused her actually made her guilty for feeling comforted by the fabric. She was kicked in the back to begin walking, entering another room where she was kicked to the ground, lowering her head and staying there, making herself as small as possible.

"You'll be checking the shop today," a voice drawled. "He's expecting you this afternoon."

"Should we really bring her?"

"She'll be of use."

There was movement of feet, Harper was lifted by the elbow and pulled forward, her legs shakily carrying her somewhere. She was pushed to the ground where she laid until her shoulders were picked up and she was seated against a wall. Something shoved into her hands, the smell of fresh bread entering her nose, she greedily devoured the bread, not caring if it were poisoned or laced with something else-she was grateful whenever given food.

Her blindfold was removed, Harper flinched in the natural sunlight of the room, curling into her arms as she hid.

"Behave and that will stay off."

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