Love Song

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The flat was outrageously decorated for Christmas, the tree beside the fireplace shimmered brightly under all the lights and ornaments that Harper and Angelina could manage to squeeze onto the five foot tree, and a treat Harper recently discovered her love for: candy canes. Miniature wreaths were hung on every window in the place along with a simple candle on the windowsill to illuminate the winter foliage. Toy ballerinas dressed in different holiday outfits hovered along the mantle place to the fire, lazily performing pirouettes around the picture frames that were now bedazzled with tiny multicolored lights that blinked different patterns when Harper waved her wand at them. The entire flat had been transformed to nothing short of a holiday wonderland. The same had happened to the shop below them, tons of lights were strewn around the shop front and wreaths decorated with an assortment of their products were hung in the big windows. Outside, the building had been transformed with lights and long strands of holly along the awning.

If the scenery wasn't enough to let on that Christmas was here, then there were the sugar cookies that George pulled out of the oven-the melted sugar and butter permeating the room and only growing stronger with the help of the fire he'd lit.

With a final dollop of whipped cream, George grabbed the two mugs of hot chocolate he'd assembled and walked to his bedroom-humming all the way.

Underneath the covers of the queen sized bed, George smiled as Harper pulled the blankets tighter around herself, setting the two mugs down on the crimson star covered cloth on the small tea table by their bedroom window.

"Harpsichord," George called in a singsong voice, leaning over the bed.

Harper pulled the sheets tighter to herself, "Just a bit longer!"

Snorting, George got onto the bed, leaning over Harper's cocoon. "You really have to see Diagon though, love. There's so much snow out there, its going to be the perfect Christmas."

The bundle of sheets shifted slightly, Harper was now on her back facing him as he continued to hover over her. "I made sugar cookies for later, some hot chocolate for now," he glanced over to the window with a smile. "It's still snowing a bit, thought we could sit and watch it by the window or go onto the roof before we headed out."

The blankets gave a big sigh underneath him, "we're going to the Burrow today?"

"Yes, and Hermione and Ginny are back from Hogwarts. I'm sure they'd love to tell you about it," George offered, attempting to pull at the right side of the blankets, but Harper had them locked firmly around herself.

"Can't we just stay here today?" Her whine was muffled by the comforter.

"Is that what you really want?" He asked, attempting again to pull away the blanket. "I'll do whatever it is that you want, love. But just so you know, mum has all your favorites made and I'm sure the girls would want to hear some wedding details. I bet there's even a new jumper with your name on it."

George's heart lurched forward when he eyed the very thin camisole that did practically nothing to conceal Harper's chest when she finally left her cocoon. Her hair wasn't in the bun she'd been sleeping in when he'd gotten up earlier, the waved hair falling away from her shoulders in a velvety curtain he desperately needed to thread his fingers through. It took everything in him to not let his jaw drop to the floor. How was she always so breathtaking? He was never going to survive the wedding let alone the rest of his life if Harper did anything she could to stop his heart.

Bloody hell

"I prefer taking your jumpers if I'm honest," Harper said, the corner of her mouth quirking upwards with a smirk.

"You were definitely not wearing that when I went to the kitchen," George stammered, the corners of her mouth quirked upwards, a satisfied spark crossed through the golden flecks that watched him with amusement. "You've set me up."

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