Complex Being you are

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Harper nervously stood in front of the greasy haired professor, his face of indifference as he rolled up his sleeves. She fumbled with her wand as she watched Severus Snape begin to clear his desk. It was completely quiet in the room, instead of letting her anxiety eat her alive, Harper took this moment to look around the room at the many different jars of potion ingredients.

He's much more intimidating than I imagined...

"I know why you were expelled from your last school," Snape commented, folding his arms as he studied Harper, his eyes unblinking. "However, I will need to test your basic abilities at legilimens and assess the root to all this."

Harper nodded, willing herself to calm down in this moment.

alright, just a little test. You're going to get this under control in no time!

"We are going to work on the very basic foundation of using legilimens, if you know what you're doing then maybe you can prevent it in the future. Or at least give you an understanding of things for now."

Harper fidgeted on her stool, "But is it really legilimens? Sybill believes its the inner-eye finally opening."

Snape gave a slight nod, "it is shocking that what you can do doesn't need eye contact-the most basic thing needed for legilimency."

"So then it's not...?"

Snape quirked an eyebrow, the rest of his features stiff, "the reason for your expulsion is the fear of that very question that students and parents alike felt."

"Yeah," Harper's mind thought back to the last several months, her hands balling into fists, "I'm aware."

"Legilimency is a truly powerful technique, in the wrong hands, you can unravel the mind. Fear comes from the unknown. What you're able to do is beyond even what some master legilimens could ever dream to accomplish."

"Is there a way to control this?" Harper asked, the hope fleeting.

They wouldn't have sent me here if there was no way to help me

"Only yourself and time will tell," Snape lifted his arms up, shrugging slightly. Harper's heart sank at this answer. "I will advise this once as to shorten our time together: the company you keep here will make or break you during your time here, Miss Nonemacker."

"Are you saying that my classmates might make me forget the whole reason I came here?" Harper scoffed, completely dumbfounded at the idea that Harper would ever let something stop her from getting what she believed a curse under control.

"It's easy to become sidetracked, however, remember that you're here for a very specific purpose and reason. The quicker you remember that, the faster this will go."

Harper frowned slightly, but remained silent. I'm not going to let myself be distracted by anything.

"Let's begin working on the legilimens spell itself, once you know how to use that perfectly we'll move forward. Eventually leading to occlumency, the defense of legilimens. Building the walls of your mind may be the solution, but until we build the foundations, we'll never know."

Harper readied her nerves, pulling every ounce of courage to the forefront of her mind. Twirling her wand in her fingers she got to her feet and smiled.

This was it. This was her very first lesson, the first step to controlling her mind and getting control over her life for the very first time.

I got this!


"So where have you been?"

Harper jumped a mile in the air when she returned to the common room, Fred and George stood with identical grins as they folded their arms across their chests.

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