The First Day Nerves: Third Year Start

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Harper had made her way to the Great Hall a bit haphazardly, but very few students seemed to be awake much to her nervous excitement. The sun was still rising as she chewed on her toast, looking over her timetable that McGonagall had brought her privately. She was eating so hadn't noticed when two figures appeared across the table from her.

"Told you there was a new girl."

"Of course there is, we have new first years every year." 

"She doesn't look like a first year, weren't you listening to Ange last night?"

Harper put down her time table, raising an eyebrow at the identical boys sitting across from her, with a cough she cleared her throat-causing the two to look her way. "I'm a third year...transfer."

"Didn't know you could do that," the twin on the right said.

Harper nodded, lifting her time table again and studying it as she grabbed another piece of toast, almost dropping it when her wrist was gripped by the boy on the left this time.

"Erm....can I help you two?"

"A name," the twin on the left smirked.

"Harper," she offered.

"Harpsichord....I like it," the one on the right grinned.

Harper rolled her eyes slightly, although she enjoyed the nickname. "I'm Fred," the boy on the left said, "and George," the boy on the right said.

"Nice to meet you," she smiled, a nervous bubble forming in her stomach.

"Nervous for your first day?" Fred asked, taking some eggs for his plate, Harper noting that George hadn't stopped watching her while pouring himself a glass of juice.

"A bit," Harper nodded, "this castle is huge."

"Oh its bigger than you could imagine," George grinned.

"Our brother Percy wasn't too much of a bore was he? He's very uptight about rules and the like," Fred asked.

Harper chuckled, "so you were mocking him last night."

"Oh...yeah," George grinned, biting some toast. "Have to when you can."

Harper looked toward the long table at the front of the room where the professors obviously sat, she saw Trelawney giving her a dreamy smile and wink as she began sipping her tea. "I'll be back, nice to meet you again." She walked over to her aunt who grinned, taking her hands and giving them a quick squeeze.

"Ah, those two....they're trouble, maybe too much trouble for you." Harper laughed slightly, "now, poppy. Make sure you get settled in nicely, the leaves say it'll be a wonderful day of light."

"Are those two nice?" Harper whispered, hoping her voice didn't carry.

"Pranksters," her aunt nodded slightly. "That's all I know."

"Do you you think I can trust anyone here?" She twisted her fingers together, worry twisting the toast in her stomach into a tight knot. 

Her aunt gave her a frown, taking her hands and sighing, "that's not for me to decide, poppy."

Harper looked down slightly and nodded, feeling uncertain before waving her off and going back to her seat. The two boys had raised eyebrows, waiting for Harper to speak.

"Do you know her?" George asked, there was curiosity behind his words, but Harper could sense an uncertainty in the way his shoulders moved as well.

"She's....she's my aunt," Harper nodded slowly.

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