Lonely girl

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Lonely girl, it looks like you are out of luck
I was on your side, I stood by you

So go ahead and cry, its just like you
You've got a lot of nerve and Looks like the table's turning

Looks like the damage done is forever"
-Lonely Girl, Tonight Alive


Harper stood against the furthest wall possible, breathing deeply as she tried to adjust the slim fitted halter dress Joy and Alicia put her in. Her hair was curled and layered, cascading around her shoulders. The party was mainly made of seventh and six years, some fifth years were mixed in here and there, but it was mainly the upper years present. The music was blaring from the opposite wall to her, all the desks had been pushed and transfigured to be smaller and out of the way for dancing and congregating in small groups that laughed as they stood around.

She bit the inside of her cheek as she glared, how hadn't she noticed a full blown party was going on once a month for four months?!

"What's a pretty girl like you doing standing here alone?" Harper all but rolled her eyes as Ravenclaw prefect, Victor Ryder came to stand beside her. She found it amusing they were exactly the same heights as he tried to tower over her in her flats.

"Trying to see how long I have to stand here before I can sneak away," Harper laughed.

"Oh no, we can't have that," Victor laughed.

"How exactly have I been left out of the loop on these?!"

"Well, you are top of our year....didn't seem like you're type of thing," Victor snorted.

Harper choked on her drink, shaking her head.

"I've seen Hastings and Spinnet here once or twice....you didn't know?"

"No," Harper frowned.

Victor chuckled, pushing himself from the wall he grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward a better spot closer to the music.

"Vic. I don't want to dance."

"You're too pretty not to at least enjoy one song, promise. It'll be fun," Victor smiled.

Harper sighed, she'd gotten to know the Ravenclaw during their patrols and he was nothing short of a charismatic airhead. He took her hands in his and pushed her away so there was a space between them.

"Can you dance?" Victor asked curiously.

"Never tried," Harper shrugged.

Victor's smile turned into a grin as his eyes flashed, "just follow my lead, darling bird."

Victor took a step back, having her step forward, he pulled her arms forward and back opposite to her feet. "You're too stiff! Come on and move!"

"This dress is too short for that," Harper muttered.

I hope George doesn't appear and kick Ryder's butt

Harper looked around, Alicia was nearby with Lee, both lifted two fingers to their eyes before pointing at Harper, indicating they were watching her.

Victor heard her and winked, letting go of her hand and spinning her around before pulling her into a small box step that was sloppy as he tried to move with the music.

"Trust me, dancing can be fun, Nonemacker!"

Songs flitted by and Harper felt herself smiling, enjoying herself. The pressure was ever present, she built her mental walls just as Lee's voice made a comment about Harper dancing.

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