Set it Off

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"Beware, beware, be skeptical Of their smiles, their smiles of plated goldDeceit so natural Telling all your lies like second nature Listen, mark my words, one day You will pay, you will pay" -Wolf In Sheep's Clothing, Set it Off


"I'm glad we can have tea today, I wanted to see how you've been since Halloween," Sybill smiled, stirring her tea as Harper gently poured a cup.

"Well....since Halloween....." Harper paused, biting her lower lip. Halloween was a little over a month ago and in that time the only thing that's progressed was her relationship with George. Everything else didn't matter, she had mentioned what happened during Halloween to Snape and the main thing now was their lessons would involve Harper focusing on Occlumency. Other than that, Harper's focus was not on her ability for the first time in her life.

"Poppy," Sybill whispered when the silence was too long.

"Yeah....I suppose....I haven't really-"

Sybill only shook her head at her niece, sipping her tea absentmindedly. "Harper, you need to work-"

"I know," Harper muttered. Sybill never used her name unless it was important.

Her aunt reached for her hands, squeezing them tightly, "these last two years have been strange and bizarre, Harper. And with you having heard Sirius Black in the castle? Twice?! Now is the time to get this under control, poppy. I can't stress this enough to you. The dementors being here is not a mistake, you hearing Black on Halloween isn't either, you having visions about things we can only speculate! The fates in the beyond are speaking out to you. You have to control this and soon, poppy."

"Have you been having visions also?"

"No, not recently. But the tea leaves..." she took Harper's cup and looked within, "see? Suffering. This is a sign." Harper swallowed her spit and nodded slightly, "this is a sign that you need to focus on your original task. Please poppy. You having a vision is not a coincidence, love."

"How was your lunch with Sybill?" George and Fred appeared beside Harper as she made her way to charms.

"I really wish you'd stop using the map on me," Harper whispered calmly, still feeling put off from her lunch. Sybill was right, she was losing her focus, a pit formed in her stomach as she clutched her bag-anxiety beginning to eat away at her.

"We promise not to anymore," Fred nodded, immediately feeling something was wrong.

"The map isn't so's like you being able to pop up into our minds you know?" George shrugged nonchalantly as they continued walking.

Harper scowled, feeling slightly put off by that statement, "'s not the same. One you can control and the other is barely controllable. Hell one was used as a torture technique during the first war and the other is torturous on me!"

Fred glanced at George, he could feel the mounting tension, George remained oblivious.

"But the mind reading isn't bad either, both could be considered a bit intrusive yeah but that doesn't-"

Harper froze in her spot, the twins coming up short behind her. Harper took a deep breath, slowly turning on her heel, her face a deadly expression as she glared at George. Between her uncomfortable tea with Sybill, and the realization of having pushed her work on controlling her ability aside to feel something as normal as a budding relationship. George was walking on thin ice, her blood was boiling and Harper was seconds away from exploding.

"What about intrusive?" Her voice was low and threatening, Fred stepped away as George shook his head surprised by the sudden mood change.

"Nothing, Harpsichord....just...we'll stop with the map. We promise...."

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