The Fear of Falling

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"Jesus Christ, that's a pretty face
The kind you'd find on someone that could save
If they don't put me away
Well, it'll be a miracle
Do you believe you're missing out?
That everything good is happening somewhere else"
-Jesus Christ, Brand New


Harper tied her hair into a low pony tail, bending close to one of the tarnished pots in front of her, using it like a mirror as she rubbed her face for a moment. Her dark circles were worse today, tapping her wand to her cheekbones she attempted to conceal them before George popped up with a small glamour charm. Not wanting to worry him more about her than he already did on a daily basis.

"How're you feeling?" Fred's voice called from behind her.

She sighed, reaching up for a vine of a nearby tentacula plant and pruning it-pocketing the seeds and vine itself.

"Been better," she answered quietly. Tonight was the final task, her visions were getting worse over the last week, her nighttime walks were more frequent-she'd woken up a few times in various corridors. Thankfully after her first run in with Cedric and Victor she always wore George's jumper in addition to her camisoles to bed.

"Mmmm, George was saying he hasn't heard from Bagman. I don't know what we'll do without that extra money," Fred muttered, writing furiously in his notebook.

"It'll be fine," Harper whispered, coming to sit in front of him in the greenhouse, pulling out her own notebook, her hand shaking slightly as she turned to the latest pages. "The fever fudge is officially ready if Lee didn't tell you."

"Great," Fred gave a tight smile, rubbing his eyes slightly.

"Freddie, it's gonna be fi-"

"Hello folks!" George appeared with Lee right over his shoulder, quietly sitting himself behind Harper and placing his hands atop hers, his chin resting on her shoulder. Lee taking a seat beside Fred, stretching his legs out before him. "What're you two plotting?"

"I was revising the skiving snackboxes, telling Freddie the fever fudge was good to go, then I was going to move onto-and you aren't listening....." Harper looked at George with a frown. His eyes had that lovestruck look, and he had that absentminded smile he got on his face whenever Harper began speaking for more than ten seconds.

"Harps, he's listening, just not sure if he's processing it is all," Fred snorted, kicking George's shin who protested while his neck and ears turned scarlet.


"It's every time with him...." Lee muttered, holding out his hands for Harper's notes. "So have we got confirmation that the fainting fancies will wear off after a period of time?"

"Erm..." she smacked her lips together and nodded, her eyes meeting Fred's gaze, "yes?" Fred nodded once, George's hands squeezed hers for a moment, "yes." 

"Hello you four!" Relief at the interruption washed over her for a brief moment as Bill Weasley waved from the entryway of the greenhouse, the twins jumping to their feet to greet the surprise visit of their older brother.

"What're you doing here?" George asked.

"We came to cheer on Harry for tonight," Bill was explaining. "Families come to spend the day with the we're here for Harry. I found Ron already and he said you lot often spend your time here."

Harper slowly got up, her body tensing as Molly Weasley slowly approached with Harry over Bill's shoulder. She wasn't sure where she stood with the older witch, but if her Easter gift weeks ago was any indication, it wasn't currently a high standing.

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