Stay The Night

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"You kill the lights, I'll draw the blinds
Don't dull the sparkle in your eyes
I know that we were made to break
So what? I don't mind
Are you gonna stay the night?
I am a fire, you're gasoline
Come pour yourself all over me
We'll let this place go down in flames only one more time"
-Stay the Night (personal fav is cover by State Champs)


The castle stood burning, all around screams echoed of the injured—crying out for their dear ones, for help. Harper looked down at her hand, the ring on her middle finger glistening in the firelight that burned beside her, covered in blood that dripped to the ground silently.

Things had all come crumbling down, broken stone and suits of armor laid amongst the dead that were crushed by explosions of the familiar castle walls.

Walking slowly, she watched people carry dead to the castle. Her home had been destroyed, all she could do was cry, continuing on her way through the wreckage.

"You can save them."

Harper shook her head, turning on her heel for the source of the voice.

"You want to protect them?"

No one was around, no one stood looking back at her as she turned in circles in the transfiguration courtyard.

"Do you want to protect them?"

Harper scowled, what was going on?

"You want to prove you're a good person?" She nodded her head vigorously to the air.

"Protect them."

A breeze swarmed up behind her, the cries and screams pounded on her skull causing her to collapse to the ground. She screamed out, clutching her short hair, pulling it harshly as her vision blurred.

Faces blurred past her vision, she soon realized she was seeing faces of friends who had fallen that night. Her heart shattering with every single image. Her breathing stopping when Fred's face disappeared into nothingness.

Waking up with a jolt, Harper quickly pushed herself into the wall behind her, her chest rising harshly as she caught her breath. This nightmare had been occurring for days now, it was always the same—death and destruction of Hogwarts castle, loved ones dying left and right. Angelina's bed was empty, no one was there to comfort her, she shakily got to her feet not wanting to be there any longer.

"Oh," George cleared his throat when Harper opened the door to him, his arm falling to his side as he smiled, "sorry, love, I heard something and-"

Harper grabbed his shirt front and pulled him toward her bed, pushing him down, without a word she shakily climbed next to him and held him tightly against her. Wordlessly he began running his fingers through her shaggy hair as she calmed her breathing—listening to his heart, the calming scent of firewood filling her senses.

"If you wanted to sleep together, all you had to do was ask, Harpsichord," George chuckled, his hand resting on her hipbone, his thumb running along her skin.

"I-I-I don't want to be alone right now," she blushed.

"I won't leave until you want me to," George whispered, chuckling to himself, even with her eyes closed she knew he was grinning at the wish.

George lifted her chin, his eyes searching hers for something as he ran his thumb along her jaw, her skin electrifying under his touch. Her lungs stuttering horribly, her breathing hitching as the adrenaline from the nightmare morphed into desire for him to hold her close.

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