Caught Up In You

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"Don't let this good love slip away
Now that we know that it's true
Don't, don't you know the kind of man I am
I'm so caught up in you, little girl
You made me realize the love I missed
So hot love I couldn't quite resist
When it's right the light just comes shining through."
-Caught Up In You, We The Kings


"Has George asked you to the Yule Ball yet?" Ginny asked while Harper rolled her final essay that was due next week, the two girls sitting in the common room. McGonagall had officially announced to the house that the castle would be transformed for a Christmas ball. Harper had tried to act indifferent to the news, hoping George would take the moment to ask her but he'd been tight lipped and jumpy about the topic.

"No," Harper laughed, "and I doubt he will...he dodges the topic pretty well."

"But...aren't you two seeing each other now?" Ginny frowned

Harper felt her face flush as she averted her gaze, "Not officially," she muttered.

Ginny chuckled with a grin, "It'll be fun this week to see how the dance lessons go."

"Oh god...if the heads of the houses are you think we can sneak into the Slytherin one? I want to watch that!"

Ginny snorted slightly, Harper was looking through her bag she didn't notice that Ginny was pulled out of her chair and George Weasley leaned on the table watching Harper with a smirk.

"So this ball coming up for Christmas. We're going together."

Harper looked up at George and smirked, "what makes you think I don't have a date already?"

"One, the girls wouldn't let another bloke ask you. Two, even if someone managed to get by them the bloke wouldn't stand a chance against me. And Three....its me, the bloke you said you wanted to give another go to," George ticked these off of his fingers with a smug expression.

"What if I wasn't staying for Christmas though?" Harper leaned her chin on her hand with a smirk.

George seemed to deflate, Harper grinned. "oh come on, George....if I don't play hard to get, was it really worth it?"

"Harpsichord," George scowled.

"I'll tell you during the dance lessons," Harper winked.


Harper shook her head, "if I immediately say yes, I'll just look desperate."

"You wouldn't look desperate, Harpsichord. You did say you wanted us to try again after all."

Harper felt her heart leap at those words, trying to keep herself composed she winked at him, "who said I wasn't going as just friends with the bloke?"

"Well then I suppose I'll have to ask someone else...."

"You wouldn't dare," Harper scowled, her little joke exploding in front of her eyes.

George winked, getting to his feet without another word. Harper got to her feet, George picked up his pace and ran out the room, Harper glared as she followed after. George's laugh echoed the hall as he ran from her.

"Honestly..." Harper muttered, following after. "Making me chase you is so immature!"

Harper yelped when George's hand reached out from the nearby secret passage and pulled her into his chest. "I didn't say you had to follow me," George chuckled.

"Was curious who would ever say yes to you, especially with that mop of hair," Harper said as she put a hand on her hip.

"You would if you stopped being stubborn," George laughed, "and you said you liked the hair."

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