Tell Me I'm a Wreck

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"I'm struggling to see the better side of me,
I knew this wouldn't last
At Least I could be honest about that
And Now you're telling everyone
How I only did you wrong"
-Tell Me I'm a Wreck, Every Avenue


"Did you read the prophet?!"

"That article isn't real! No way!"

"Oi, do you think..."

"She was a transfer in our third year."

"But she seemed so nice!"

"What if it's all a front?!"

"Do you think the other Gryffindors knew?!"

"Oh my god! You don't think that she's-"

Angelina looked up from her breakfast the morning of the second task, students around her were whispering and gossiping-she tried to keep her expression neutral as she looked around at the people holding the latest Daily Prophet.

Cedric Diggory slid into the seat beside her, holding the paper in hands, he cleared his throat before speaking.


"Let me read it first," Angelina held out her hand, Cedric obliged without a word. Angelina read it over.

Hogwarts' latest threat: are the young minds safe? An expose by Rita Skeeter

Her eyes skimmed the article before she crumpled the paper, jumping to her feet, she had to get to her friend before something bad happened.

"Oi! I'm not done speaking with you!" Cedric hurried after Angelina.

"Ced, there's things in there that are true but things that I don't even know about," she looked at him as he nodded. "She's got a bad past but she's not a threat like Skeeter is attempting to play her up as."

"Always thought that pretty raven was something special," Cedric mused as he continued following Angelina to the Gryffindor Tower.

"She takes her examinations alone, she falls asleep studying after her patrols, she lives in that library. Don't you dare take what that article says at face value-"

"What type of friend do you take me for?! Is this why you were asking questions a few weeks ago?" Angelina nodded slightly, when they got to the portrait of the Fat Lady, Angelina took a deep breath. "If I hear people saying anything, I'll do my best to set things straight."

Angelina gave him a smile, patting his shoulder, "I shouldn't say this...but good luck today."

"Good luck to you," Cedric waved her off. "Oh but...tell Harper I'm using the bubble head charm like she suggested, feeling really good about it." Angelina gave a tight smile, her chest feeling tight.

"Angie!" Fred appeared from the portrait hole looking a bit irate, "the-"

"I know. Where's Harper?" Angelina cut him off.

"Lee and I got a fainting fancy in her," Fred explained.

"How the hell-"

"She knows and no one was around. We made a split decision."

"Right, well. How long does that one last?"

"That's the problem with that one, we aren't too sure," Fred sighed, rubbing his neck.

Angelina scowled, sighing slightly as she nodded. "Alright well, where's George and the girls?"

"George was taking a shower, and Harper was saying the girls had been on their way to the boats for the second task. She was waiting with us to help with bets."

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