End of the Year

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"Ron got injured."

Harper looked up at Fred who was frowning as he studied his friend. The common room was empty except for Nearly Headless Nick who sat by an empty desk.

"How? What happened? We should go see him then," Harper started to stammer, cleaning up her ink and quills in a hurry.

Fred held up a hand, "What exactly did you see in that ball?"

Harper frowned, putting down her quills as she got to her feet, backing away from Fred slightly, "that was weeks ago..."

"I know....But could you try to remember? Please."

"I...Something was biting something or other," Harper whispered, the prickling sensation of anxiety slowly filling her body from the bottom of her stomach.

Fred nodded, "Ronald got bit....by a dragon."

Harper gasped, "we have to go and see him right now!"

Fred held up a hand, "I already did, Harper....that's why I'm here." He cleared his throat as Harper put her hands in her pockets, sitting back down. "You're a mysterious person, Harper. I just have a few questions right now."

Harper felt herself start to sweat, feeling uncomfortable, fidgeting with her hands as she waited for Fred to continue.

Fred nodded slowly, "Ronald was saying that you had tried to warn them in the library."

"Yeah....The image I'd seen was slightly hazy....I took a guess that whatever was going to bite someone would be related to Hagrid. Those three are always with him so I just gave them a word of caution."

Fred smiled, "I bet it could've been worse if you hadn't."

Harper smiled as she nodded, "there's more you want to ask....isn't there?"

"You still haven't talked to us about your transfer, and I'm just really curious."

Harper frowned, giving a shaky breath. Was she ready to tell the others? Keeping her friends in the dark for so long felt wrong, but she still wasn't able to rationally formulate what her mind did. They would just freak out, like her old friends did.

"You're right.....I haven't told you guys about it."

"If it's really serious, I won't pressure you to discuss it. But...did you leave because of your seer heritage?"

"Not....entirely, it...it was a factor though," Harper smoothed her pointer finger around her thumbnail in a nervous fashion, starting to pick at her cuticles.

"I'm sorry Harps...after Ron told me you'd given him a warning I couldn't help but ask. I would never pressure you into discussing a topic you're not ready to, it's just interesting...you're interesting."

"I get it," Harper smiled, getting to her feet, wanting to go check on Ron.

"I didn't mean to upset you, Harps."

"Oh you didn't....but I promise I'll tell everyone one day. Just for now....I'm not ready."

Fred got to his feet, placing a hand on Harper's shoulder, "only when you're ready, Harper."

"Where's your better half by the way?"

"Oh he's setting something up for tomorrow," Fred smirked.

"Isn't that usually a two person job?" Harper tried to laugh, but she still felt awful.

"He can manage alone," Fred shrugged.

"He told you not to bum rush me for answers, didn't he?" Harper grinned, noticing Fred's face was slightly red as he averted his gaze.

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