Here With Me

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"I can't describe what I'm feeling
And all I know is we're going home
So please don't let me go, oh
Don't let me go,
And if it's right
I don't care how long it takes
As long as I'm with you
I've got a smile on face
Save your tears, it'll be okay
All I know is you're here with me"
-Here with me, d4vd

"Fred! George!" The two looked up from their trunk of Weasley joke products as Ginny bounded into their dormitory. "Harry needs a favor."

"Say no more, Gin," Fred grinned, pocketing a firework.

"What kind of favor?" George asked, closing the box to their supplies.

"He needs a good diversion for Umbridge."

The twins looked between each other, George shrugging slightly, "we do have the know...."

"Oh yes! But won't...." Fred trailed off, his brow furrowing.

George nodded slightly, they had the perfect diversion, the grandest prank they'd ever thought of. But it would cost them if they used it, there was no turning back, it would be their grandest exit from Hogwarts.

"We can't come back from that," Fred said softly, speaking his thoughts.

"I'm up for it, if you are," George shrugged, since Umbridge had stepped in as Headmistress, Hogwarts hadn't felt like home. The Inquisitorial Squad was on a rampage that even normal prefects couldn't handle, the detentions were so barbaric that other professors didn't seem to want to reprimand students incase news got back to Umbridge and the student was sent to have their hand sliced open by the deadly blood quills.

Fred looked down at their trunk and nodded slightly, "let us get to planning then...the first day back?"

"First day back," George agreed, his stomach twisted slightly. A nervous knot settling in his stomach.

"So you'll help?" Ginny asked again, reminding them she was in the room.

"Of course, gin!" Fred nodded, smiling at his younger sister.

Ginny smiled, leaving the two behind to stand in silence.


"The girls are going to be so pissed," Fred muttered.

George nodded slightly, running a hand through his hair, ruffling his hair, "there's no going back from that. But it'll be the perfect diversion..."

Fred nodded, kicking his trunk under his bed, George sat on the edge of his bed studying the small picture frame of Harper and him on his bedside table. "I'll go talk to Ange," Fred muttered and hurried off.

George sat in the common room on the final days of Easter holiday, leaning his head back on the couch as he rebandaged his hand from the blood quill marks. His mind drifting to the plan Fred and him had in place for the first day back from the break. With two days left of break, George had done anything but brought it up to Harper. Fred and Angelina seemed to sense this as the topic was always dropped when Harper appeared. Angelina and Fred both believed that Harper should join them, Angelina mocking the twins that they'll start fighting over the wallpaper color of the shop if they didn't have a third with them.

But that didn't make the questions in his mind stop. Would she go? Would she rather stay? Was she safe to go? How pissed would she be if they left? How heartbroken would he be if he left her?

His thoughts were a spiral that began to give him such a migraine he didn't notice Harper standing in front of him until she gently touched his face. Making him jump slightly at the contact, the lemongrass scent immediately calming him.

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