Electric Love

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Harper sat in the library at her normal corner with Hermione and Ron, the three quietly working on assignments—or two of them were while one pretended to look through their books for the specific chapter they needed.

"Harper? How hard is it to learn Occlumency?" Ron asked, lowering his voice as he leaned forward in his chair.

Harper looked up from her book, glancing around their table for listening ears. "Well...since I'm naturally adept at Legilimency, it makes learning and performing Occlumency easier. However, it takes a lot of strain and isn't exactly an easy task? There's so many layers to your mind that to perform Occlumency at an advance level, you have to be able to protect each level effectively."

Ron frowned, the answer building more questions for him.

"Harry having a tough time?" Harper asked with a sympathetic smile. The two nodded slightly, shifting in their seats.

"Can you....when you use Legilimency....do you become the person?" Ron asked, looking slightly uncomfortable.

"What do you mean?" She tilted her head to the side, Hermione and Ron shared a look.

"Harry said he was the snake that attacked dad and yesterday...."

Hermione cleared her throat, "is Occlumency going to help Harry keep....Voldemort out of his head?"

Harper tapped her thumb against the table, looking down at her Herboloy text as her brow furrowed. Chewing on her lip she shrugged, taking a deep breath she leaned forward.

"You two are being very vague right now, but whatever is going on....I can't help if I don't have the full context," Harper frowned.

Hermione leaned forward, explaining everything she could to Harper. When the brunette was done, Ron worried his lip as Harper digested the information. The tension in the air could be felt by all three Gryffindors, Harper attempting to ignore it as every nerve in her body screamed in alarm. There was nothing natural to what Harry was experiencing and there was no way to comfort the two students in front of her.

"I'll help Harry with Occlumency if I can," Harper offered.

"You think it's bad....don't you?" Ron implored.

Harper turned back to her book, tapping Ron's blank parchment, "one paragraph and then we can go to the kitchens."


"One. Paragraph," the older student cut across Hermione, her eyes big as she inclined her head to Ron's parchment. "We have our study group tonight, we'll finish it up there."

The two returned to their work, Ginny arriving at some point and taking a seat beside Harper. There was something deeper to the connection between Harry and the dark wizard that attempted to take his life. Harper's thoughts travelled far off, theorizing the connection's meaning in silence.

"I think you're like brandishing your wand a bit too much with that stunning jinx?" Harper commented to a tired looking Angelina later than evening.

"Right, right," Angelina whispered when Harper stepped closer.

"Ange....are you alright?" Harper frowned. Angelina looked beyond exhausted, her eyes had dark circles as well as slightly blood shot in appearance. Harper knew that the quidditch team was taking a toll on her, Ginny was a good stand in for Harry but no one could replace the twins as beaters-they were just simply the best the Gryffindors had.

"I just keep thinking about the Azkaban breakout last month and...." She shook her head slightly, she waved her wand as a small shower of gold sparks sprayed out in front of her, "it's silly. I'm being silly."

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