Come To Your Senses

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"I finally open up, for you
I would do anything
But you've turned off the volume
Just when I've begun to sing
Defenses are not the way to go
And I don't know what to do to get through"
-come to your senses, tick tick boom

When the Easter holidays arrived, Harper found herself standing at the doorway of the Great Hall. Not many students were currently awake, it was still early, especially during a holiday. Standing there looking at the doors she hadn't entered since the week before the article about her was released.

Almost three months....almost three months I haven't been in here

"Harpsichord? Are you alright?" George gently tapped her shoulder as he patiently waited for her to follow. She gave a slight nod, taking his hand in hers, gripping his bicep with her free hand as they walked to their gathered friends.

"Look who's decided to join us," Fred mused, moving over for the two. "Nice to see you out here, my fine haired friend."

Harper gave a tight smile, "maybe this is a bit much," Angelina mused with a frown.

"I'm fine," Harper shook her head, rigidly grabbing her fork and some eggs. As she began eating, she couldn't help noticing the glares being sent her way.

Just let it go already! she thought with an eye roll. She pressed her thigh against George's, keeping the contact that kept her grounded as she listened to Fred explain something he needed her to get from the greenhouses at some point.

"Looks like mum sent us an Easter care package," Fred said with a grin when a great box landed in front of him. He began opening it, revealing toffee eggs.

"Oh Ange! There's one in here for you...George...." Fred grinned handing her a large egg as she blushed, handing George his own. "Ones for Ron and them as well..." Fred began to shuffle through the box, "Harper! Here...."

Fred handed her one that she tried not to notice was tiny compared to George and Angelina's. Harper gently took the box, trying to remain calm.

"I'll take the rest to them," Harper offered, nodding her head to the younger Gryffindors seated down from them.

"Are you sure?" Fred frowned, looking around quickly, it still wasn't crowded but Harper offering to venture off set off something in the entire group. Even Joy and Lee looked slightly concerned to let Harper walk the ten feet down the bench.

"Yeah," Harper scoffed, trying to act normal.

Taking the box, she sat down beside Hermione as the three Gryffindors raised their eyebrows at the older witch. Harper handed Ron and Harry their toffee eggs, trying not to scowl at Harry's egg being the same size as all the other Weasleys and Angelina.

Harper wordlessly offered the small egg to Hermione who had to bite her lower lip to stop from gasping. Harper held up her own egg, both Hermione and Harper were feeling the wrath of a witch obsessed with a gossip columnist. Just last week, Hermione was receiving threats from fans of Rita Skeeter's latest article involving her, Harry, and Victor Krum.

"I have a proposal...if you're interested in helping me?" Harper spoke softly to Hermione, both girls trying to keep their emotions in check as they looked at their tiny eggs.

"Whatever it is. You can count on me," Hermione nodded vigorously.

Harper leaned forward to whisper in her ear a theory she'd been stewing over for awhile now, just as George's arms found her waist.

"Oi...that's not right, I think you got my egg, love," he frowned, picking up the small toffee sweet and placing his own in front of her.

"No...that has my name on it, love," Harper smiled at him, pointing at the little sticker on the egg wrapping.

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