Platform 9 ¾

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Today was September the first the day that Jasmine and I would be heading to Hogwarts. To say we were excited would be an understatement. As I looked around my room to make sure I had not forgotten anything Hazel jumped on my shoulder and rubbed her face against mine.

"It's going to be exciting isn't it Hazel?" I asked as she purred.

I placed Hazel in her cage and started to take my things down the stairs. Mum and Dad were rushing around making sure that we had everything we needed.

"Honey do you have your keys!?" Mum shouted.

"Yes dear." He replied.

"Y/N, Jasmine come on or you will be late!" Dad shouted.

"Ow Dad I am right here." I said standing next to him rubbing my ears.

"Oh sorry son."

"JASMINE!" Dad yelled.

Jasmine came running down the stairs with her things.

"Sorry Dad I was just getting the last of my things in my trunk."

"Why did you not pack last night like I did?" I asked.

"Shut up Y/N."

"Enough you two lets go." Mum said as she hastily shoved us out the door as Dad started to get our things into the car.

On the drive we discussed our books as we had both had read them multiple times and we wanted to be as prepared as possible for what was to come. When we arrived at Kings Cross station Mum quickly went and got us some trolley's and we loaded our things onto them and rushed inside.

"Come on you two, quickly." Mum said as we pushed our trolleys down the ramps as quick as we could.

"Platform 9 ¾, 9 ¾...." Mum muttered as Dad looked around looking for a sign to point us in the right direction.

We looked around and could only see platforms nine and ten.

"Uh this is hopeless." Mum said angrily. "Where is this stupid platform?"

"Packed ever year of course with muggles come on platform 9 ¾ this way."

"Mum dad that lady over there she said muggles and 9 ¾ maybe she knows how we can get on the platform." I said pointing at the woman walking past with a load of children.

"We can ask her." Mum said as we followed the red headed woman until she stopped in front of an arch way.

"Excuse me?" Mum asked as the red headed lady turned around. "Hi, we were wondering how our children can get onto the platform?"

The lady looked at us.

"Hogwarts?" she asked as our parents nodded. "I'm Molly Weasley."

Mum and Dad shook her hand.

"I'm Veronica L/N and this is my husband Ruben." Mum said.

We looked to see what we assumed where her children all with red hair and another boy with black hair and glasses.

"This is our son Y/N and our daughter Jasmine." Mum said as she pushed us forward.

"Uh hello Mrs. Weasley. It's a pleasure to meet you." I said as did Jasmine.

"They are so polite." Mrs. Weasley said with a smile.

She then pointed out her children.

"That's Percy, Fred, George, Ronald and Ginny."

"Hi, I'm Ronald but you can call me Ron."

"Nice to meet you Ron." I said shaking his hand as Jasmine did the same.

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