The Second Task

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The second task was fast approaching and I was in my room with Merlin going through what the second task had entailed. We had already come up with plan for me to breath underwater and I was studying up on spells for all the underwater creatures I would face. Merlin and I talked about the task but also my concerns on McKenna and her daughter as well as Fudge sending me letters nearly everyday asking for me to meet his head of departments. It was quite frankly becoming very irritating and annoying not only me but Hermione and Jasmine as well. Adalinda and Aleria had fun shredding and setting the letters on fire so I did not mind so much. After talking to Merlin some more I left to head to the library to see how Harry was getting on. He had left it until the last minute and was now trying to find a way to breath underwater. I entered the library to see the others looking through books and made my way over to them.

"Hey love." I said as I sat down next to Hermione.

"Hey babe." She replied turning the page of the book she was looking through.

I looked over at Jasmine who's eyes where skimming the books as fast as she could to try and find something that would be helpful to Harry. She stopped for a moment and looked at me as a worried expression came onto her face.

"Don't worry Jaz we will find something for him." I said with a smile as I raised my hand and a stack of books came over to me.

I noticed a few other students looking at me and looked at them and as I did they made themselves busy with their work. I flicked open one of the books and began to look for anything that could help Harry, I knew about the bubble head charm but with Harry leaving it this late I would not be able to teach him in time.

I heard a thud and a loud sigh as I looked over at Harry who held his head in his hand.

"Can you go over the clue again Harry in case we missed something?" Jaz asked.

"Come and seek our voices sound." Harry began.

"Okay fine continue."

"We cannot sing above the ground."

"Okay again nothing really." Jaz said.

"And while your searching ponder this." Harry continued. "We've taken what you'll sorely miss."

I looked over at Hermione as she squeezed my hand under the table.

"An hour long you have to look."

"So an hour to find whatever is being taken from you." Jaz said.

"And to recover what we took. But past and hour, the prospects black, Too late, it's gone, it won't come back." Harry finished.

"So underwater that's obvious but breathing underwater for an hour is potentially problematic." Jasmine said.

"Potentially problematic? When was the last time any of you had to hold your breath under water for an hour?"

"Harry don't speak to Jaz like that." I said while looking at him. "Or forget going into the lake gently. I'll throw you in."

"Sorry I am just stressed out over the task."

"Look I am sure we can find something for you." I said as I placed the book I had in my hands down and picking up another to try and find something for him.

We continued to study until we were interrupted by Mad-eye Moody.

"Hate to break up this scholarship session but Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office."

I placed my book down to stand up as did the others before Moody raised his hand.

"Not you L/N or you Potter just Granger, Weasley and other L/N."

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