Through the Trap Door

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The time of the school exams had come and the five of us were getting prepared for them. It had been a little while since our encounter in the forest with Voldemort and I was still trying to figure out what he meant by wasting my magical talent but as the exams were upon us I pushed it to the back of my mind for now.

True to Jasmine's word we had all been given anti-cheating quills for the written exams. I was curious as to whether Ron would cheat or not and get to see the outcome but he did not. We also had practical exams to contend with. Professor Flitwick asked us to charm a pineapple to dance across the desk, Grandma had asked us to transfigure a mouse into a snuffbox and as for Snape he watched us all make the forgetfulness potion, but the way he would look at peoples potions was unnerving. Snape looked in my cauldron and nodded before walking away to see the others. First time I have seen him not make a remark about my potion.

The last exam was the dreariest of all History of Magic, it was just a one hour written exam. It was about the history of the wizarding world which I did find interesting but I just did not like that the exam was all written and soon Professor Binns who for once had not fallen asleep told us to put our quills down and roll up our parchment. As we did many students cheered at the exams being over and I smiled as I felt I did pretty well for my exams.

"That was easier than I thought." Hermione said as the five of us walked towards the black lake. "I need not have learnt about....."

"The 1637 Werewolf code." Jasmine said.

"Or the uprising of Elfric the eager." I said as Hermione nodded.

"Can you three shut up about the exams!" Ron said. "It makes me ill to know I didn't get my answers right."

"Fine then Ronald." Jasmine said. "Hey Y/N Snape seemed to be impressed by your potion did he say anything?"

"I said don't!" Ron shouted.

"She wasn't talking to you, you knucklehead!" I shouted at him.

As we made it to the lake we sat beneath a tree and watched as the Weasley twins and Lee Jordon tried to tickle one of the giant squids tentacles. I watched as other students laughed and celebrated that the exams were over as my mind drifted back to forest once more before Ron shouted brining me out of my thoughts.

"No more studying!" Ron exclaimed with a smile. "You should look more cheerful, Harry. We've got a week before we find out how badly we've done, there's no need to worry yet."

Harry rubbed his hand over his scar he had been doing that ever since we had been in the forest.

"I wish I knew what this means." Harry grumbled as he continued to rub his scar. "It has happened before but not like this."

"Go to Madam Pomfrey." Jasmine and Hermione said in unison.

"I'm not ill." Harry said. "I think it's a warning....... it means danger is coming."

"Harry, relax Hermione's right the stone is safe as long as Dumbledore is around." Ron said. "Anyway we've never had any proof that Snape found a way past Fluffy. He nearly had his leg ripped off once, he's not going to try that again in a hurry."

Harry continued to try to explain the feeling he was having but I was not really paying attention I was thinking back on something Harry had said about Hagrid always wanting a Dragon and then Hagrid telling us only He and Dumbledore knew how to get past Fluffy. I sat for a brief second before I jumped up with my eyes wide.

Harry had also jumped to his feet and we both looked at each other before running off in the direction of Hagrid's hut.

"Hey where are you going?" Ron asked.

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