The Marauder's Map

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Harry's POV

A month had gone by since I talked to Professor Lupin and snow had started to fall. Today there was another Hogsmeade village trip.

"Last call to Hogsmeade!" McGonagall shouted.

I watched as the others left and went to go get my invisibility cloak. I had decided to sneak out and get to Hogsmeade so I could spend some time with the others. I made my way out of the castle under the cloak only to be stopped a few seconds in my Fred and George who had hooked my arms and dragged me back into the castle.

"Clever Harry!" George said.

"But not clever enough." Fred continued.

"Guy's let me go!" I said to the both of them. "I'm trying to get to Hogsmeade."

"We know." George said. "We'll get you there."

"We'll show you a quicker way."

They pulled me to a staircase and sat me down as they kneeled.

"Now Harry come and join the big boys." They said as they took the cloak of me.

They then handed me an old piece of parchment.

"What's this rubbish?" I asked them.

"What this rubbish he says." Fred replied.

"That Harry is the secret to our success." George said.

"It's a bugger giving it to you, but we decided your needs our greater than ours."

"George if you will." Fred asked his brother.

I watched as George took out his wand and placed it on the parchment.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." George said.

I watched as the parchment came to life, with names appearing all over the parchment. From it I saw Y/N, Hermione, Ron and Jasmine heading down to Hogsmeade, Snape lurking around the castle.

Messer's Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs and Talons are proud to present the Marauders Map.

"We owe them so much for paving the way." Fred said.

I looked at the map and saw footsteps with Albus Dumbledore written over them.

"Is that?"

"Dumbledore." Fred replied

"In his office." George said.

"Pacing he does that a lot."

"So this map shows-" I said.



"Where they are."

"What they are doing."

"Every minute."

"Of every day."

"Brilliant where did you get it?" I asked.

"Nicked it from Filch's office of course first year." George said.

"Now there are seven secret passages out of the castle we recommend this one the one eye witch passageway it will lead you straight to Honeydukes."

"Oh and Harry don't forget to wipe it like this Mischief Managed." Fred said pointing his wand at it and the Parchment went blank.

"Otherwise anyone can read it." George said.

I watched as the twins left with a smile on my face. I then got ready to go to Hogsmeade and meet up with the others.


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