The Inquisitorial Squad.

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It had been a few weeks since we had return to Hogwarts and I was again having a training session with Merlin. Jasmine and Hermione had also come along as Merlin wished to teach them some more magic in order to defend themselves. I watched as Jasmine and Hermione tried and they kept falling short.

"Focus." I said.

"Yeah thanks for that brilliant piece of advice Y/N." Jasmine said in a sarcastic tone.

"Jasmine imagine that you are facing McKenna and it's yours and Harry's lives on the line."

Jasmine stared at me with wide eyes.

"Why would you even ask me to imagine that?" She asked horrified that I would ask her to imagine such a scenario.

"Babe don't you think that's a little harsh?" Hermione asked.

"No it's not." I replied.

"Unfortunately Y/N is right Hermione, McKenna will stop at nothing to kill anyone who opposes her especially the two of you." Merlin said. "Everything you both hold dear she will try to exploit."

Jasmine and Hermione looked at each other before I made my way over to Hermione and took her hands in mine.

"'Mione I know it's difficult." I said as she looked at me. "But I need you to try and imagine the same scenario but with us."

"Babe I don't think I......"

"You have to love it is the only way to focus properly it's how I learnt the shield that Merlin is trying to teach you both."

"Okay." Hermione said softly.

Jasmine and Hermione both closed their eyes and I could tell by the uncomfortable look on their faces that they were imagining the scenario. I watched in silence before the shields appeared and I smiled as I threw a barrage of spells at the shields that held before they disappeared.

"That was great. Both of you." I said with a smile.

I looked at Hermione who still looked uncomfortable at what she had to imagine and the same look was on Jasmine's. I made my way over to Jasmine and hugged her as she hugged back.

"I'm sorry you had to imagine that Jaz but it was the only way to focus properly." I said softly. "But now you know you wont have to again okay?"

I let go of Jasmine before heading over to Hermione and she hugged me as tight as she could burying her head into my shoulder as I hugged her back.

"I'm sorry babe I know it was tough but now you don't have to imagine the scenario anymore because you know that you can do it."

We separated from each other and I looked down and whipped a few tears from her face and smiled at her.

"It was just a tool to use to help you focus love nothing more okay? I won't let McKenna get to any of you okay?"

"Okay." Hermione said softly as we shared a kiss before leaving my room for the day.

We walked through the castle towards the great hall before I stopped and looked back towards the staircase.

"I think Peeves is causing some mischief." I said as we all headed towards the main hall to see the commotion.

We joined the other students to see Peeves giving Filch trouble who was swinging at Peeves with his broom. Peeves had set off a load of fireworks that was causing commotion everywhere and was causing disruptions to lessons. Grandma came out of her classroom with a load of first years to see what had happened. Umbridge came into view as another firework went off overhead and the first years laughed at the sight. Umbridge looked up at Peeves.

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