Death Eater attack on the Burrow

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"There is someone out there," Lupin said. "I can smell Greyback, but there are more than one--"

"Mum, Dad whatever you do stay here." I said.

"Y/N what is going on?" Mum asked.

"Veronica, Ruben stay behind us please." Mrs. Weasley said as she and Mr. Weasley stood in front of them with wands raised.

"Y/N, Jasmine come here stand behind your father and I." Mum said.

"Mum you can't protect us from this." Jasmine said. "It will be easier if we defend ourselves."

As we looked out the window the reeds were set ablaze as the rest of the Weasley children rushed down the stairs and watched. We could see Bellatrix make her way out from the reeds and smirk at us all. Tonks drew her wand ready to fight before Bellatrix turned around and ran into the reeds.

"I killed Sirius Black!" Bellatrix shouted with a cackle as she continued to run into the reeds.

Harry rushed after her pushing his way past Lupin and Tonks who stood in the doorway.

"Harry no!" Mrs. Weasley yelled.

"Harry!" Jasmine shouted running after him.

"Jasmine!" Mum shouted in a horrified voice as I ran out the door after her.

"Y/N!" Mum shouted again as I ran after Jasmine and Harry.

I was about to reach them before I stopped seeing Cecilia crouched down in the reeds and she tapped her head to let me know.

"Mckenna is going after your parents."

"That bitch!"

"I will try my best to help Jasmine and Harry but you need to get back to the house she is going after Hermione as well."

"Good luck."

I turned and quickly ran back towards the house hoping I would not be too late.

Jasmine's POV

I continued running after Harry as I heard Bellatrix cackling away up ahead before something pulled me back. I turned with my wand pointing straight into Cecilia's face.

"What are you doing?" I whispered angrily.

"Helping keep you safe."

"Harry needs my help."

Cecilia seemed conflicted as I tried to get away and soon I felt myself be released.

"Fine go but there are others coming I need to appear as though I am helping them."


Cecilia disappeared and I quickly made my way over to Harry to see Bellatrix standing opposite him with a smirk. I quickly joined him and raised my wand before she disappeared, and we both looked at each other in confusion before we heard a snarl and looked to see Fenrir Greyback walk towards us. Harry pushed me behind him before he fired a stunning spell towards Fenrir which he deflected as he did more death eaters apparated and we were suddenly surrounded. Remus and Mr. Weasley had joined us and we all started to deflect the spells being fired against us but more appeared. We all soon started to struggle, and the death eaters started getting closer before a huge ring of blue fire appeared around us blocking the death eaters off. A portal appeared and Y/N stepped out with his eyes glowing.

"Like hell." He said as the flames turned into 20-foot-high Dragons that still made a ring around us protecting us.

"Avada..." began one of the death eaters.

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