Attack of Nagini and Christmas

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Jasmine's POV

I awoke with a startle at hearing a scream come from the boys dorm and as I did I realised who had screamed. It was Harry. His scream had woken everyone up and as I looked at Lavender with worry we both rushed to the boy's dorm and quickly entered to see the others boys startled as well.

"What's wrong with him?" Neville asked Ron.

Harry was thrashing around and I was extremely worried but what happened next horrified me. Harry's eyes shot open and instead of his usual green they were white, pure white.

"Harry?" I asked softly as I entered and gently knelt next to him.

"Someone get McGonagall now!" Ron shouted as everyone stood still worried.

"MOVE!" a voice shouted as Y/N ran into the room with Hermione behind him.

Y/N bent down next to Harry and looked at his eyes before a concerned look grew on his face.

"Get McGonagall Neville now!" Y/N shouted as Neville ran to go and get McGonagall.

Harry was still screaming in an inhuman way as he thrashed around in his bed.

"Babe focus on my voice listen to my voice." I said softly.

"Harry!" Ron shouted. "Harry!"

"Harry please babe come on listen to my voice focus." I said as I went to touch him but Y/N grabbed my arm.

"No don't touch him." Y/N said as I looked at him.

"My boyfriend is thrashing around and....."

"Trust me touching him right now is the last thing you want to do." Y/N said as he placed his hand on Harry's forehead and he stopped thrashing around.

Harry rolled off the bed and his eyes turned back to their original green before closing again but he was clutching his scar. We heard the door open and McGonagall walked in with a candle before handing it to Neville.

"Potter." McGonagall said as she touched his forehead Harry again yelled and then threw up which made everyone cringe. It was as though when McGonagall had touched his forehead he felt his skin was on fire. Harry finally seemed to stop shaking but lay still and Y/N waved his hand at the vomit and made it disappear.

"Harry babe please." I said softly with concern. "Wake up please."

Harry's eye's shot open once more and sat up in a panic.

"Mr. Weasley." Harry said in a panicked tone. "He's been attacked!"

"You dreamt this Potter?" McGonagall asked concerned.

"No I saw it happen!" Harry shouted. "I...I was there."

"You're sure this happened Potter?"

"Yes! If we don't do something he will die."

"Potter are you absolutely....."

"Yes! We have to do something or he is going to die!"

McGonagall looked around the room before she made a decision.

"We are going to the headmaster, Weasley, Granger, L/N's you'd best come as well."


We arrived at Dumbledore's office and as I looked at Y/N he seemed angry for some reason. I was confused as to why but as the door opened to the office I turned my attention to that instead.

"Professor McGonagall." Dumbledore said. "What can I do for you?"

"Albus, Potter had some sort of nightmare." She replied.

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