The boy that lived come to die.

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Harry's POV

"You have fought valiantly...but in vain." A voice boomed over Hogwarts. "I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilt is a terrible waste."

"I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your died with dignity. Treat your injured."

"Harry Potter I now speak directly to you. On this night you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. And you have allowed your allies to kill my own. There is no greater dishonour."

"Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. Should you do so I give you my word that no other life will be lost on this night. You have one hour. If, at the end of that time, you have not given yourself up, then I shall punish every last man woman and child who tries to conceal you from me."

Voldemort's voice stopped as we all looked at the sky. Ron exploded into a rage.

"Never!" Ron yelled. "Do you hear me!? Never!"


Y/N walked out of the boathouse, and we all followed and he looked up at the sky before raising his hand.

"What we all need now is a bit of hope so I think this should give everyone a boost." He said.

He pointed his hand in the direction that the dark mark was lingering over and there was a blinding light before a red and gold Phoenix appeared and it was about 3 times the size of the dark mark.

As I looked at it filled me with hope that the light would overcome the dark. The light shone over Hogwarts as the Death Eaters where holding their hands over their eyes in order to not be blinded by the light as they retreated back to the forest for an hour.

"Harry go and see what Severus gave to you. As for the rest of us I think we need to go to the Great Hall to help the wounded and pay our respect to those that have died."


We entered the Great Hall to find many wounded and hurt from attacks around. All of the houses that stayed were being treated by Madam Pomfrey. Slughorn was tending to Filch's arm, but I was surprised that he had got hurt as he was a squib and could not perform magic so why did he try and get involved? As we looked around my heart grew heavy all of these people had stayed and fought for me. Y/N looked around before spotting McGonagall and quickly made his way over to her, but she had a look of deep pain on her face.

"Grandma." He said softly as he hugged her. "What is it?"

We all looked to see the rest of the Weasley's gathered around a bed and we looked to see the lifeless Percy Weasley. Ron walked over to the bed and tears reached his eyes.

"No." He said softly as he joined the rest of his family in mourning his death.

"What happened?" Lavender asked softly as she made her way to Ron's side and held his hand in an attempt to be supportive.

"Mr. Weasley died to save me." McGonagall said.

Mrs. Weasley was distraught. None of the Weasley's had talked to Percy after our fifth year but he had asked for forgiveness from his family, and it seemed he had earned it. There were more bodies on the ground at least fifty. I couldn't take it, they all died because of me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Kingsley who seemed to know what I was thinking.

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