The Goblet of Fire and Beginning of Troubles

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As we made our way back inside, Ron would not shut up about Krum and it was really beginning to get on my nerves.

"Ronald he is only a Quidditch player I don't see what the big deal is." Hermione said as we made our way into the Great Hall.

"Hermione he is one of the best player in the world!, I didn't know he was still in school." Ron replied.

"Ron please shut it." Jasmine said.

"I am getting his autograph if I can." Ron exclaimed excitingly.

"Ron I don't care what you do just shut up about Krum." I said in an irritated voice.

As we took our seats at the Gryffindor table the students from Durmstrang came in and to Ron's disappointment and my relief they sat at the Slytherin table. Malfoy had gotten up from his seat to talk to Krum and smirked at us as he did. The Beauxbatons came in next and sat at the Ravenclaw table as all the boys apart from me stared at them. As I was talking to Hermione I noticed a few of the girls from Beauxbatons looking at me and whispering amongst each other. Hermione seemed to have noticed and stared at them with daggers in her eyes. We watched as Dumbledore stood up to address the hall.

"Good evening, ladies and gentleman, ghost and particularly-guests. I have the great pleasure of welcoming you to Hogwarts, I hope and trust that your stay will be both comfortable and enjoyable. The tournament will officially begin at the end of the feast, but I now invite you to eat, drink and make yourselves at home."

As he sat back down the table filled with foods I had not seen before, most likely from the other schools country's to make them feel comfortable.

"What the hell is this?" Ron asked, pointing at a dish that was a sort of stew.

"It's Bouillabaisse." Hermione said.

"Bless you." Ron said.

"I didn't sneeze Ronald it's a French dish." Hermione said with a giggle. "It's really nice I had it in France on holiday last year."

"Yeah it is really nice we had it in France as well." Jasmine said.

"I'll take your word for it." Ron said as he continued eating.

A few minutes later a couple of the Beauxbatons girls made their way over to our table.

"Are you finished with ze Bouillabaisse?" they asked.

"Yes we are here you-" I started to say.

"It's alright I can get it." She said as she leaned over she purposely grabbed my arm and I immediately leant away from her.

"If I where you I would let go of my brother right now." Jasmine said as I could see the rage that was in Hermione's eyes.

"Oh and why is zat?" The girl asked in a French accent.

"Because my girlfriend looks about ready to kill you." I said with a smile as the girl let go of my arm and looked at Hermione who slowly stood up and stared at the girl with nothing but fury.

"This is not going to be good." Harry said.

The hall was just watching at this point as I stood up and took Hermione's hand.

"Babe come on it's not worth it."

"You ever touch my boyfriend again and I promise you, you will not like the result." Hermione snarled.

The girl just looked back at Hermione before someone else approached us.

"Arielle leave them alone."

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