Back In Time and End of Third Year

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I awoke slowly and blinked a few times to see that I was in the hospital wing along with the others. Hermione, Jasmine, and Harry were occupying the beds next to me as Ron was opposite with Lavender sitting in a chair next to him.

"Lavender?" I asked quietly.

She looked at me and smiled as Ron looked over at me and relief seemed to be on his face.

"Hey Y/N you alright?" Ron asked.

"Yeah fine thanks Ron I just wanted to say...."

But before I could finish I heard voices outside the door talking before they entered unaware that some of us were awake.

"Shocking business.... shocking.. miracle none of them died...never the likes.... By thunder, it was lucky you were there, Snape."

"Thank you Minister."

"Order of Merlin, Second Class, I'd say First Class, if I can wrangle it!"

"Thank you very much Minister."

"Nasty cut you've got there..." Fudge said. "Blacks work I suppose?"

"Actually it was Potter and L/N minister."

"No surely...."

They stopped at seeing that I was awake and staring at them.

"Ah you must be Y/N." Fudge said with a smile. "I'm Cornelius Fudge the minister for magic and I am....."

"A moron." I finished for him as he looked at me shocked that he would be talked to in such a manner.

"Y/N I am the minister for magic." Fudge said sternly. "You can't speak to me in such a tone."

"I don't care what you think." I replied without taking my eyes off him.

"Why did you give your Professor that cut Y/N?" Fudge asked.

"Well considering that he told my girlfriend and sister to shut their mouths and called them know it all's he should be thankful it's only a cut." I said coldly as I looked at Severus.

"I can't believe you Severus. Putting your own Personal Vendetta here. I told you before that I would protect those I care about from anyone."

"You did but you do not understand what I went through so in this instance stay out of this."

"I won't stay out of this Severus you have made this personal for me."

"Minister if you want I will take you to Professor Dumbledore." Severus said without taking his eyes off me. "But they must remain here."

I watched as they left and closed the door behind them.

"Ugh, what happened?" I heard to see Hermione awake and slowly sitting up. "How did we get here?."

"I don't know babe." I said as I got out of my bed and sat on her hugging her tight. "But I am so glad your safe."

"Snape brought you all in." Lavender said as she gave Ron an extra pillow to make sure he was comfortable.

"Well that could have gone better." I heard to see Jasmine sitting up.

"Guys what happened?" Harry asked.

Before I could reply Madam Pomfrey came round.

"Ah your all awake good." She said as she started to break up a huge bar of chocolate and handed some to each of us.

"How's Ron?" Harry asked.

"He'll live." Madam Pomfrey replied before Lavender got the chance. "As for you four, you'll be staying here until I am satisfied you're.... Potter what do you think you're doing?"

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