The Man with Two Faces and End of First Year.

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Harry's POV

"You!" I said with a gasp as I saw the man with the purple turban in front of us.

Quirrell turned so he was looking at us with a wicked smile on his face upon seeing this Y/N scowled at him.

"No I-it can't be. Snape h-he was the one—"

"Yes he does seem the type doesn't he? Next to him who would suspect p-p-p poor st-stuttering Professor Quirrell?"

"But-but that day, during the Quidditch match. Snape tried to kill me."

"No dear boy." Quirrell said with an evil smile. "I tried to kill you! And trust me, if Snape's cloak hadn't caught fire by L/N and his silly little girlfriend setting fire to it and broken my eye contact, I would have succeeded, even with Snape muttering his silly little counter curse."

"Snape was trying to save me?" I said astonished that he was actually trying to save me.

"Of course." Quirrell said. "It was a waste of time though with Dumbledore watching, Even after I let loose the troll—"


Y/N looked furious as he stared at Quirrell who's eye narrowed as he looked scared?. Quirrell then snapped his fingers as Y/N and I were bound up in ropes.

"You're both to nosy to live. Scurrying around the school on Halloween like that, For all I knew you'd seen me coming to look at what was guarding the stone.

"So you're the one I sensed when we met Fluffy for the first time!" Y/N shouted as he tried his best to free himself from the binds.

"I have a gift with trolls." Quirrell continued ignoring what Y/N had just said. "You saw the troll in the bathroom. Snape had already suspected me and went to the third floor to head me off. Not only did that troll fail to kill you Potter but that three headed dog failed to bite Snape's leg off properly."

Y/N was staring at Quirrell as he droned on about his plan and he seemed to be getting more agitated the more Quirrell talked.

"Hey Quirrell do me a favour and shut up I wish your stutter was real then I would not have to listen to your annoying voice!"

"Oh L/N." Quirrell said with a nasty smile. "You just have no idea do you?"

"What the bloody hell are you on about Quirrell?" Y/N asked.

"My master will be pleased to meet you, he wondered if it was you and now he knows it's you."

"Now be quiet both of you." Quirrell commanded. "I must examine this mirror closely."

My eyes widened as I saw something I thought I would never see again. Y/N also looked shocked to see what Quirrell was looking at. It was the Mirror of Erised.

"This mirror is the key to finding the stone." Quirrell muttered. "Trust Dumbledore to come up with something like this......but he's in London.... I'll be far away by the time he arrives back."

I looked at Y/N as he nodded at me he must have read my mind.

'You are right Harry with have to keep him talking.'

"Snape.....always suspected me all along. Tried to frighten me – as if he could, when I have Lord Voldemort on my side...."

"So he's here huh? Well why doesn't he show himself I want a word with him." Y/N said in an aggressive tone.

Quirrell ignored him and continued to gaze into the mirror, muttering to himself as he did.

"I see the stone... I'm presenting it to my master...but where is it?"

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