Attack of Sirius Black

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After the Scabbers incident, Ron did not talk to me, Jasmine, or Hermione at all. Hermione did not speak to Ron either. She mainly spoke to me, Harry, the twins, Ginny, Lavender, and Jasmine. She eventually stopped talking to Harry as well since he had believed that Scabbers was eaten by Crookshanks, Casper and Hazel. Speaking of the cats they had been locked in Hermione and Jasmine's dormitory as Ron believed that all the pets of Gryffindor would be safer for it.

"FINE side with Ron, I knew you would!" She yelled at him "First the Firebolt, now Scabbers, everything is my fault, isn't it! Just leave me alone Harry, I've got a lot of work to do." Harry left as I made my way over to Hermione.

"Hermione?" I asked.

"WHAT?!" she snapped but then realised it was me. "Y/N I am so sorry I didn't mean to snap at you I just-"

"Mione its okay." I said as I sat next to her and hugged her tight to me. "None of this is your fault okay? Ron is just being stupid. Don't listen to whatever crap comes out of his mouth."

"Your right he is being stupid." Hermione sobbed. "But it is my fault."

"No it's not kitten." I said. "Crookshanks is just doing what a cat does. I will always be on your side Hermione, always."

Hermione hugged me tight as I brushed my hand through her hair and kissed the top of her head. Jasmine sat next to us and looked about ready to cry.

"Jaz?" I asked as she looked at me tearfully.

"What is it Jasmine?" Hermione asked.

"It's just Harry, I've tried to make him see reason but he won't he thinks.....he thinks."

"Hey, hey sis listen to me he is being an idiot right now okay?" I said softly as I squatted down in front of her and looked her in her eyes. "Hopefully, Harry realises that he is wrong and soon he will be talking to you again."

"How can you be sure?" Jasmine asked.

"Jasmine L/N you are worth talking to. You are an incredible person and if Harry can't see that then he is a bigger idiot than I first thought. Give it some time."

"Thanks, Y/N." Jasmine said as she hugged me.

We sat and continued our work before we looked up to hear arguing.

"You can't be that stupid Ron their cats. If Scabbers is running around of course they are going to chase him!"

"Sure side with them Lavender can't you see what beast those three cats are!?"

"They are not beast's Ronald! In fact Casper and Hazel are two of the gentlest cat's I have ever met. If you can't look after your own rat don't blame them and you should certainly not be blaming Hermione, Jasmine, or Y/N!"

"Why are you even getting involved in this Lavender this has nothing to do with you!"

"Yes it does Hermione, Jasmine and Y/N are my friends as well Ron maybe instead of being a little child about this you should grow up and accept that these things can happen! When I lost Binky earlier this year those three were the first to comfort me about it, You always complained about Scabbers Ronald but now you are just trying to find a way to blame other people for your own problem!"

Ron took a few steps back shocked as the students of the common room looked on. Ron seemed to regain his composure and went to open his mouth and retort at Lavender but I had enough of his behaviour and stood up and walked over to them.

"Lavender why don't you join the three of us?" I asked as she walked away angrily.

"Stop sticking your nose in other people's business L/N." Ron snarled at me.

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