Summer Holiday

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It had been a few weeks since Jasmine and I had returned home from Hogwarts. We had told mum and dad about everything we had learnt about my heritage and to say they were shocked would be an understatement. Mum and Dad promised not to say anything and just treated me like they always had as their son which I was grateful for. I sat in my room petting Hazel when an owl hooted outside my window and I let it in. I opened the letter and a picture fell out of Hermione in France.

'Dear Y/N.

Thank you for your last letter I am having a great time in France and I wish I could show you the things I have seen. I miss you but maybe we can meet up to get our school things when I get back? Say hi to Jasmine for me. I miss you.

Love 'Mione.'

I sat down on my bed and thought back to when she was petrified and how lost I was without her. I knew I was in love with her, everything about her was perfect to me and I had made a decision to tell her how I felt this year but I would wait until the right opportunity came along. Hazel seemed to be looking at the letter and let out a meow.

"I know you miss Hermione as well don't you girl?"

Hazel nuzzled against my hand before jumping off my bed and walking out of my room. I heard a noise at my door and looked up to see Jasmine holding a letter.

"Harry?" I asked seeing the look of concern on her face as she nodded.

'Dear Jasmine,

Hope you and Y/N are having a good summer, sorry I have not been replying to your letters I have been getting them but Vernon had his sister around so I could not reply. I am currently staying at the Leaky Cauldron after blowing her up like a balloon after she made remarks about mum. Maybe you and Y/N could visit sometime? Anyway hope to hear a reply from you soon.


"What if he gets expelled?" Jasmine asked.

"I very much doubt it."

"But he does not have special permission like you do to practice magic outside school."

"If Harry had been expelled we would have already heard about it I am sure, you know what Harry can be like, sometimes he let's his emotions get in the way of rational thinking." I said.

"And you don't like last year when Hermione and I were you know."

"That was a whole different scenario." I replied as I crossed my arms and looked at her.

"Do you think mum and dad would let us go?"

"To see Harry?" I asked as she nodded. "I guess but they would more than likely want to stay with us all the time."

"We can ask them anyway I want to see Harry soon." Jasmine said.

"Is that so you can give him a love note or...." I began.

"SHUT UP!" Jasmine yelled.

"I'm only teasing you Jasmine." I said with a smirk.

"Y/N!, Jasmine! Come downstairs dinner is ready." Dad shouted.

"Coming dad!" Jasmine yelled.

As we made our way down and sat at the table I looked over to see Jasmine looking nervous as she twirled her fork in her hand.

"Pumpkin what's wrong?" Mum asked having noticed Jasmine twirling her fork in her hand.

"Um our friend Harry he is staying at the Leaky Cauldron and I was wonder whether you and dad would let us visit him?"

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