Hooded Nightmares

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The next morning Jasmine and I packed our trunks and bags as today was the day that we would be returning to Hogwarts. As we were packing we heard a knock on the door and I opened it to see Hermione and Crookshanks.

"Hey Y/N um do you mind if I come in."

"Of course not......Kitten." I smirked as Hermione blushed.

As Hermione entered she placed Crookshanks down who went to introduce himself to Hazel and Casper. They seemed to get on which was nice although Casper was acting like an older brother to Hazel and pushing Crookshanks away when he got a bit too close to Hazel. The three of us made small talk as Jasmine and I continued to pack our trunk before Hermione asked us.

"So what are you two looking forward to this year?"

"Care of magical creatures for me." I said. "I can't wait to see what magical creatures we will learn about. And also the book seems interesting, it's made me have a think on who the professor is."

"Ancient Runes for me." Jasmine said. "Should be interesting."

"That's true." I said as I finished packing. "Muggle studies should be interesting as well seeing it from a wizarding perspective."

"That's true." Hermione said.

"And what about you Hermione?" Jasmine asked. "What are you excited for this year?"

"All the classes obviously and um o-o-our date Y/N."

I blushed heavily and so did Hermione. I looked to see Jasmine smirking at us.

"Not a word Jaz or I am going straight to Harry." I said in her head

"You wouldn't dare." She replied.

"Oh I so would."

We heard a loud knock on the door and opened it to reveal Harry and Ron.

"Ministry cars are here for us." Ron said. "They're going to escort us to kings cross."

"Thank you for that interruption Ronald." I heard Hermione scowl in her head and I guess Jasmine did as well considering the look she was giving him.

"We'll be down in a minute." Jasmine said as Harry and Ron headed back downstairs.

"Well I guess we best get going." I said. "Hazel I need you to get into your cage girl."

Hazel looked at me with a look of you are joking.

"Don't give me that look Hazel in your cage."

Reluctantly she got in her cage as Casper followed. Hermione picked up Crookshanks and headed for the door.

"I'll see you downstairs in a minute....... sweetie." Hermione said to me as she smirked and left.

"Did she...... Did she just....." I began to stutter pointing at where Hermione had been a moment ago shocked at what I had heard as Jasmine laughed.

"Yes she just did."

We made our way downstairs with our things and we looked to see Mr. Weasley speaking to Harry quietly in the corner away from everyone else before he came back over and joined us. The cars were soon loaded up and we were driven to Kings Cross where we got our things onto the trolley and once more headed for the barrier for the train. As we got our things onto the train we walked through looking for an empty compartment but all were full until we came upon one with a single occupant.

"Come on everywhere else is full." Hermione said as we entered the compartment and stowed our luggage before letting our cats out of their cages.

"Who do you think he is?" Ron asked.

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