Birthdays and Flying lessons

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It had been a few days since Jasmine and I had started at Hogwarts and we were both really enjoying learning about magic and the wizarding world. We had spent time in the library with Hermione learning as much as we could. But today was an important day not for me but for Jasmine as today was her birthday. I quietly got out of bed as again I was the first one up and opened my trunk to get the present that I had ordered for her. I changed into my robes and quietly made my way down to the Common Room to wait for her. Hazel joined me and I opened my potions book to pass the time. Soon I heard footsteps and turned around to see Hermione who was also holding a present.

"Morning Y/N." Hermione said with a smile. Gosh I love that smile.

"Morning 'Mione." I said before my eyes widened why the bloody hell did I just say that?

"'Mione?" She asked as she blushed.

"I-I-I I'm sorry I don't know why I said that." I replied.

"N-N-N-No it's alright." She stuttered as she still blushed.

"Um I guess that's a present for Jasmine." I said pointing at the present in her hand in order to change the conversation.

"Hmm oh yes your sister is almost ready I had to sneak this out she woke up at the same time as me."

Hazel was rubbing her head against Hermione's leg to get her attention. Hermione smiled as she bent down to pick Hazel up who nuzzled up close to her and purred.

"Morning Hazel." Hermione said sweetly with a smile as she gently hugged her.

I smiled at the sight before my eyes caught sight of Jasmine coming down the stairs.

"Happy Birthday Jasmine." I said with a smile as I walked over to her and hugged her.

"Thank you Y/N." She replied with a smile as we released each other form the hug.

"Happy Birthday Jasmine." Hermione said as she handed her the present she got her after placing Hazel down.

"Aw Hermione you didn't have to do that." Jasmine said to her.

"I wanted to and besides, we are friends aren't we?" Hermione asked with a smile.

"That we are Hermione." Jasmine replied with a smile as she opened Hermione's gift to reveal a personalised Notebook.

"Wow thank you Hermione this is amazing thank you." Jasmine said as she gave Hermione a hug.

"Your welcome I'm just glad you liked it."

I smiled at Jasmine as I picked up her present off the table and handed it to her.

"Here sis Happy Birthday." I said.

"Y/N what did you do?" Jasmine asked wide eyed as she pulled out some muggle sweets and a personalised necklace that Jasmine read out.

'Always my sister, forever my friend.'

"Well its true Jasmine you have always been there for me even when we were young so I thought what best way to show you this than get you a necklace that reflects that."

Jasmine smiled as she put it on and gave me a tight hug.

"Best brother ever." She said as she released the hug.

The three of us headed down for breakfast and where soon joined by Harry and Ron. As breakfast continued on we heard shrieks as the owls delivered the post and a parcel was dropped in front of Jasmine and a letter. Jasmine placed down her fork and opened the letter and read it aloud to us.

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