Return to Hogwarts.

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Harry's POV

September the first had come around quickly and we all scrambled to make sure we had everything ready. We all got into the back of the ford Angelia and thankfully drove instead of flew to kings cross. We quickly all got trolley's and loaded our things onto the and rushed down to the platform.

"10.58!" Mr Weasley shouted. "Come on. Come on!"

"Train will be leaving soon." Mrs. Weasley continued.

"Fred, George, Percy you first!" Mr. Weasley shouted as the three of them went through the barrier.

Mrs. Weasley went next with Ginny as Mr. Weasley followed them.

Jasmine and Y/N soon followed them as I turned to Ron.

"Let's go."

I gripped the handle on the trolley as Ron did the same behind me. I pushed the cart forwards and start to run as it picked up speed ready to get onto platform 9 ¾ but something else happened, something that we both did not expect.

We hit the wall with a crash and toppled over as most of our stuff fell onto the floor.

"Oy!" A train attendant called out to us. "What do you two think you are doing?"

"Sorry lo-lost control of the trolley." I said to the attendant as he walked away shaking his head.

I turned to Ron who had a scared expression on his face before asking him a question.

"Why can't we get through?"

"I don't know." Ron replied. "The gateway has sealed itself off for some reason."

We heard the chime of the cloak nearby and looked at it to see it had turned 11. Oh no.

"The train leaves exactly at 11 O'clock! We've missed it!"

"Harry.... if we can't get through maybe Mum and Dad can't get back!"

"Maybe we should just go and wait by the car." I said.

"The car!" Ron exclaimed as his eyes widened in the realisation that it was just outside the station.

Ron and I rushed outside to the car and put our trunks in the boot, with Hedwig and Scabbers in the back seat. We both got into the front and closed the doors as Ron started the car and put it into gear. The car started to float into the air before I thought I should mention something to him.

"Ron I must tell you." I said to him with a sense of urgency. "Most muggles are not accustomed to seeing a flying car."

"Oh um right." Ron said as she pushed a silver button in the middle of the dashboard and made the car disappear as we headed after the Hogwarts Express.

Jasmine's POV

Y/N and I arrived through the barrier and could hear the train whistle as it prepared to leave. We looked to see where we could put our things before our trolleys where taken from us.

"You two are really cutting it close!" Mum said as she and Dad pushed our trolleys quickly to the conductor who put our trunks on for us.

Mum gave us both a quick kiss on the head and a hug before pushing us onto the train.

"Be good you two and let us know if you need anything!" Mum shouted as the train started to move as she waved with Dad before we rounded the corner and could no longer see them.

We moved through the train until we came upon the compartment we were looking for. We opened and the door to see Hermione reading one of Lockhart's books which made Y/N scowl. We set our things down as she looked up from the book with a smile.

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