The Locket and Departure of One

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Harry's POV

After Lavender and I had pitched up the tent all of us apart from Ron we made sure we had everything set up that we would need. We had four bunk beds which was not ideal but would do Y/N and Hermione were going to share one as were Jasmine and I so Ron and Lavender could have one each.

"They are a bit small." Jasmine said to me.

"True but what can we do?"

"Make them bigger." She responded with a smile taking out her wand.

Jasmine pointed her wand at the bed, and it expanded and the same for the bunk underneath.

"See now we have more room."

Hermione entered the tent with some mushrooms.

"Found something for us to eat it's not much but it's something."

The tent was glowing from the night sky outside as Y/N was making tea. Lavender was still worried about Ron and was checking on him. As she came back she sat down at the table with Hermione, Jasmine, and I Y/N brought over the tea and poured it into flour cups as that's all we had.

"How's the mushrooms?" Hermione asked. "Seems to be the only edible thing growing around here."

We were all chewing them, and I was sure we all thought they weren't edible. Y/N pushed his plate aside as he quickly got up and got another five flour cups out of a cupboard and filled them with water with a wave of his hand. We all quickly spat out the mushrooms into a bucket that Y/N made appear and we all rinsed our mouths with the water.

"I don't think those mushrooms were edible darling." Y/N said as he drank some more water.

"I'm sorry everyone they were the only things I could find." Hermione responded.

"It's alright sis." Jasmine said as she looked at her surprised.

Jasmine chuckled as she lay her head on my shoulder as Lavender placed the plates into the sink.

We all glanced at Ron as he slept.

"How bad is he?" I asked.

"He'll be alright in a few days." Lavender said as she looked at Ron again.

"So where do we go next then?" Hermione asked.

"Dumbledore had a theory." I said. "He felt that the Horcrux's would not be made out of random objects. He also felt that they would not be randomly hidden either. We know of three so far. The ring, the diary, and the locket. Each of these belonged to someone in his family, the ring belonged to his grandfather, the diary was his own and the locket his mother."

"It scares me a little." Hermione said. "That a piece of Vol--"

"No, don't!" Ron shouted scaring all of us. "Don't say it!"

We all looked at him as he sat up quickly and hurt himself in the process.

"It's taboo.....You-Know-who's name. That's how they track people now. It's how they found us that night in the café."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"I had a feeling it would be something like that." Y/N said. "That's why I keep referring him as Tom. That and it is his actual name or snake faced bitch I am not sure."

We all had a small chuckle apart from Ron before Lavender turned her attention back to Ron.

"How did you know about that anyway Ron?"

"I overheard a bloke from the Enforcement office talking about it at the Ministry," Ron said as he sniffed the air. "What's that smell?"

"Dinner?" Hermione said with a shrug.

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