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Hermione's POV

Christmas time had come around and one day McGonagall came to talk to Y/N and see which students would be remaining behind. Jade was upset that Y/N, Jasmine and I would be going home for the holidays as she thought she would be by herself.

"Is that everyone?" McGonagall asked as Jade got up from the sofa and made her way quietly to McGonagall with her head held low. "Are you staying Ms. Jones? Please write your name on the parchment."

Jade went to write her name before I took the quill out of her hand and Y/N handed it back to McGonagall.

"What are you doing?" Jade asked confused as to why we had taken the quill from her.

"Letting you not put you're name down on the parchment." I said to her.

"Why? I am not going back to the orphanage for Christmas."

"Oh yes we know." I said to her with a smile. "We thought you would like to spend Christmas with us Jade."

Jade's eyes widened as she looked at us.

"Christmas with you both?"

"And me." A voice said sounding a little insulted causing us to laugh as Jasmine came over to us.

"Sorry Jasmine I didn't mean...."

"I'm only teasing Jade." She said with a smile.

"It's really okay for me to join you all for Christmas?"

"Jade it was our idea." I said to her with a smile.

Jade smiled at us and looked between the three of us.

"I mean I would like too if it's alright with...."

"Of course, it is as I said it was our idea." I said to her.

"Then yes I would like to what about your parents though won't they mind?"

"Not at all." Jasmine said. "In fact, Y/N do you have that letter mum sent?"

Y/N unfolded the letter and began to read a sentence from it.

'Of course, Jade can come for Christmas I think she deserves a proper one from the stories you both told me about her growing up in an orphanage please bring her with you I will ask Dobby to set up the other spare room for her to stay with us.'

"My parents will be there as well and then we will head to Ron and his family on boxing day." I said to her with a smile.

"But I haven't got presents for anyone if I had know I could have...."

"Jade sweetie we are not worried about gifts all we want is for you to have a good Christmas." Hermione said with a warm smile.

Jade smiled as Jasmine looked at her.

"Well?." She asked. "Start packing."

With a huge smile Jade ran upstairs to start packing.

"Well, I certainly hope your Christmas this year is less eventful than previous years." McGonagall said.

"So do I grandma." Y/N said.

It had been a week since and we were on our way down to the Hogwarts express to get the train back to kings cross. Jade was full of excitement and was talking quickly which caused us to laugh.

"Jade take a second and breathe." Y/N said as he helped to get her things onto the train as we reached it.

"I'm sorry I am just so excited."

"We know." Jasmine said as she opened the compartment door and we all sat inside.

Y/N pulled out a book and showed it to Jade explaining it to her and we could see the concentration on her face at seeing all the symbols. Even though we were heading home for the holidays Y/N and Jade were still going to train everyday. Jade had been making good progress and had started to show displays of wandless magic. Casper was asleep next to Jasmine as Hazel was on my lap, but I was trying to hold her there as she wanted to head over to Jade.

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