Birthday's and Writing on the wall

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It had been a few days since the Quidditch incident and to say when Grandma had found out what I had done to Malfoy she was disappointed and angry would be an understatement. She had given me detention with her for a week and told me not to do it again. The morning after seeing her, I had gotten up and thought back on what Grandma had said when I was in her office.

Flashback to McGonagall's office.

"Y/N sit down."

I sat down and looked across from McGonagall and she looked disappointed.

"Y/N you cannot under any circumstance beat up another student."

"But Grandma, he called Hermione and Jasmine a...a...."

"A what Y/N? and you better have a good reason."

"A mudblood." I said softly.

"What did you just say?" Grandma asked shocked.

"A mudblood." I said once more softly.

I looked at McGonagall to see the disappointment to replaced by utter shock and horror.

"Right I see well you will still have to serve detention the last thing we need is Lucius Malfoy moaning to Fudge. But I never want to hear about you beating up another student again is that clear?"

"Yes Grandma."

I then left the office and headed back to the Common Room.

End of Flashback.

I opened my trunk to get Jasmine's present as today was her birthday and although it was a school day, I made my way down to see Hermione sitting in one of the chairs and walked over to the back of it and covered her eyes with my hands as she yelped in surprise.

"Guess who?" I said with a chuckle.

"I would recognise that sweet voice anywhere." Hermione said as I blushed and I noticed so did she.

"Uh um...." Was all I could say.

"I-I-I d-d-d-don't know why I said that." Hermione stuttered.

"Its fine Hermione I um should probably take my hands off your eyes now."

"Yes please or I can't give your sister her gift." Hermione said with a giggle.

I sat down next to Hermione as her head lay on my shoulder.

"You know Hermione I think you have a sweet voice too." I said to her as she blushed. "And I um also think your um cute."

Before Hermione could reply Jasmine came down the stairs and smiled at seeing us.

"Happy birthday Jaz." I said walking over to her and engulfing her in a hug.

"Thanks Y/N."

Hermione followed and hugged Jasmine next as we both handed her our gifts. Harry and Ron came down next and each hugged Jasmine her gifts. She opened them one by one to see Harry had gotten her a new set of Quills that had her name on the feathers which I thought was a very nice gift. Ron had gotten her some sweets and Hermione had given her a few new toys for Casper and a new school bag with her name embroidered on it. The gift I had given Jasmine was a bracelet with different gems in them and in the gems where important dates to the both of us. It had her birth date in one and then the day I became her brother via adoption.

"Y/N this is amazing I love it thank you." Jasmine said as she hugged me tight.

Soon after we headed out of the common room for breakfast and as the day progressed she got a new coat from mum and dad as well as some Galleons. The day went by quickly and we joked around most of the day then five of us the icing on the cake though was during Transfiguration when Malfoy had tried to make a remark about Jasmine and he found himself docked of house points by Grandma and given a detention of scrubbing out the bed pans in the hospital wing without magic. The next few days past and it was my birthday. With it being a Sunday I didn't know what to do maybe I would study in the library. I woke up to Hazel pushing her face against mine and purring away as I stoked her before getting up and stretching. Once changed I quietly made my way out of the dorms and down to the Common room where I opened my book and began to read about the shield charm and its strongest form which was Protego horribilis. I read it could cover a large area which would be beneficial. As I tuned another page I heard some footsteps and turned around to see Harry and Ron coming down the stairs with smile on their faces.

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