Friendships repaired and Visions Realised.

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The next week just after getting back from Hogsmeade, Hermione, Jasmine, and I walked to my room as there was something all three of us had been trying to figure out but could not and it stemmed from last year. How I had not died from the Basilisk bite. Hermione and I had not told Jasmine that we were a couple yet as we thought we would surprise her.

"So should we tell her?" I asked Hermione as she smiled at me and grabbed onto my arm.

"Tell me what?" Jasmine asked clearly confused.

"Well you know after you left the hospital wing to return to the common room?" Hermione asked her as she nodded. "Something may have happened."

"What?" She asked. "What happened?"

Hermione then turned my head to her and kissed me on the lips and as we separated we looked at Jasmine as her expression changed from shock to one of joy. She was beaming as she squealed and grabbed Hermione in a hug.

"I knew it would not be much longer." She said excitedly as she hugged me next. "I'm so happy for the two of you."

"Thanks sis."

We continued to walk down to my room discussing about what happened to me but we could not really come up with answers. We entered and I walked up to Merlin's portrait which was empty.

"Merlin?" I asked as he then came into view.

"Hello Y/N, Hermione, Jasmine." He said. "I did not expect to see you today."

"Hi Merlin." Hermione and Jasmine both said. "Nice to see you."

"Sorry Merlin I just had a question it's been bugging me since last year." I said looking at him.

"Ah since you fought the Basilisk?"

"Yes that's right."

"I assume it's to ask as to why the Basilisk poison did not affect you?"

"Yes can you tell us why it did not affect him Merlin?" Hermione asked as she held my hand tightly.

"Of course I can Hermione." Merlin said with a smile. "So when I was younger I started researching about poisons obviously there were antidotes to most but not to the more deadly ones." Merlin began as we all listened with attention. "I spent a long time researching and soon I made a potion that would ward off the most dangerous poisons but it also had a beneficial side effect that I never imagined. It was passed on to all of my descendants."

"Well you clearly saw the future benefit of it." Jasmine said as Merlin seemed to frown and become distracted.

"Merlin?" Hermione asked as he seemed to snap out of whatever he was thinking of.

"Sorry." He said. "But yes that is why Y/N did not die but for you to heal yourself from the fang wound without using a wand that is interesting.... hmmm."

"Was that not a part of the potions benefit?" I asked with curiosity.

"No it was not hmmm." Merlin began before his eyes widened. "Of course your mother!"

"Olivia?" I asked. "What has she got to do with this?"

"I remember when she had just had you. She came to visit me before you all went into hiding. She gave you something as she was talking to me she said it would be something that would help along with the effects of the potion I made. Hmmm seems see made a potion from you to recover from most injuries."

"It would make sense." Jasmine said. "Remember when we had our scrap and I sent you into the wall, mum and dad thought that you were injured?"

"When your magic first manifested itself unbeknownst to all of us?" I asked as she nodded.

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