Into the Shack and truth revealed

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Hermione tightly hugged me as she cried her eyes out at seeing what had just happened. Buckbeak had unjustly been executed. That bastard Malfoy had gotten his way again. Ron and Harry were comforting Lavender and Jasmine as they also had tears in their eyes at seeing Buckbeak executed as well. The three of us simply looked at each other with sadness on our faces as we continued to hug Jasmine, Hermione and Lavender respectively.

"How – Could – they?" Hermione croaked as I stroked her hair. "How could they?"

"I don't know love." I replied.

"Scabber's will you stay still!" Ron said to Scabbers.

The rat kept moving around in his hands as Ron tried to stop it.

"What's the matter with you, you stupid rat? Stay still—Ouch! He bit me." Ron said.

"Ron be quiet Fudge will be out in a minute." Lavender said.

"He won't stay put." Ron said as he continued to struggle with his rat. "What is the matter with him?"

The answer to his question came a moment later as Crookshanks Casper and Hazel appeared crouched low to the ground with their eyes fixated on Scabbers. The rat slipped out of Ron's grasp and made a run for it.

"Scabbers!" Ron yelled chasing after it.

"Ron, Ron!" Lavender yelled as we ran after him.

"Gotcha!" Ron yelled as he dove and grabbed Scabbers.

It was at that point Crookshanks, Casper and Hazel jumped on Ron to try and get at Scabbers.

"Ah get off me you stinking cats!"

"Ron don't hurt them!" Hermione pleaded.

The cats moved off Ron who looked relieved as we walked closer to him his relief turned to fear.

"Guy's run it's the grim!" He shouted. We turned to see a giant black dog barring its teeth at us and growling before running towards us. Ron pushed Lavender and Jasmine away from him as I waved my hand sending Harry and Hermione to the side. The dog got closer to me and I was ready to blast it away but to my surprise it jumped over the top of me and landing in front of Ron who tripped over. The Dog grabbed Ron by his leg and dragged him away like he was a rag doll. I dived for Ron's arms and scrambled to get a hold of them before the dog dragged him away and down into a hole. I stood up and as I did I was hit in the face by a branch causing me to be thrown backwards and land on my back. I looked up to see what tree had hit me and I cursed at what I saw.

"Of course it would be the fucking whomping willow would not be any other fucking tree would it."

As I got up I could see Hermione rush over to me with blood coming from her shoulder.

"Sweetie you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine babe." I replied. "Your shoulder I'll heal it for you."

I was about to heal Hermione's shoulder when Jasmine, Harry and Lavender came over.

"We have to go for help." Lavender said in a worried tone. "That dog could rip Ron apart."

"We don't have time." Harry said. "We have to get in there somehow."

"LOOK OUT!" Jasmine yelled as the Willow threw itself forwards to squash us.

The others looked up in fear as I threw my hand up and stopped the tree and pushed it back using wandless magic.

"GO!" I shouted holding the tree back as the others found the entrance near the root of the tree.

Hermione, Harry, Jasmine, and Lavender made their way into the entrance and after they had I dived into the entrance and slid to a stop on the stone floor. As I stood up I noticed the others sporting injuries as well.

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