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After the Quidditch match time flew by and before we knew it, it was Christmas time. Snow was falling and some people were either staying back or going home for Christmas. Originally Jasmine and I were going home but that changed as mum and dad had lots of appointments at the hospital and would not be able to spend Christmas with us so we were both staying at Hogwarts. Harry and Ron were also staying since Harry's relatives probably didn't want to see him and Ron's parents were going to Romania for something. The only downside to this was Hermione was going home for the holidays. Jasmine had become closer to her and considered her a best friend as well as I did and we had really enjoyed our time in the library searching for any information we could on Nicolas Flamel.

Ghost had taken to gliding through the hall singing, "Happy Christmas, Happy Christmas, Ring the Hogwarts bell. Happy Christmas, Happy Christmas."

Hagrid was pulling an enormous tree across the ground as Harry and Ron were engaged in a game of chess as Jasmine and I watched them as Ron claimed to be the best.

"Knight to E5." Harry said as the knight moved to the square that he wanted.

Ron looked up from the board with a smirk on his face as Hermione joined us to watch them play.

"Queen to E5." Ron commanded.

The Queen listened and made her way towards Harry's piece and whacked his knight with the chair. Hermione looked shocked at how the game played out.

"That's totally barbaric!" She said with absolute shock on her face.

"That's totally barbaric!" She said with absolute shock on her face

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"That's wizard's chess." Ron said as he turned to face her. I see you've packed."

"Oh here we go again with this." I said. "Thank you Sherlock Holmes brilliant deduction. Thank you for your wonderful insight into the bleeding obvious."

"See you haven't." Hermione added.

"Change of plans. My parents are going to Romania to visit my brother Charlie." Ron said. "He is studying dragons there."

"Dragons actual dragons?" Jasmine asked. "Wow you need to tell me all about them how many types are there and how big do they grow and....."

"Hey sis calm down." I said with a chuckle that she had gotten so excited over learning about Dragons.

"I don't know honestly......" Ron said. "But I'm staying here because of it."

"Good, you can help Harry, Y/N and Jasmine then." Hermione said. "They're going to keep looking for information on Nicolas Flamel."

"We've looked about a hundred times." Ron whined.

Hermione leaned forwards and to the table so only the four of us could hear her.

"Not in the restricted section. Happy Christmas."

As Hermione left she motioned for Jasmine and I to follow her while Ron looked at Harry.

The Last of the Bloodline (Hermione Granger x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now