Follow the Spiders/ Heir revealed.

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Harry's POV

"You heard what Hagrid said!" I said to the other two. "Let's follow the spiders."

"Harry I don't like this." Ron whimpered once more. "I don't like this at all."

"Hush Weasley we are going." Y/N said.

"Come on!" I said as we continued to trek through the Dark Forest following the spiders that were crawling along the ground in front of us until they stopped at a cave.

"Who is it?" A raspy voice asked from within the cave.

We heard movement and a moment later a gigantic spider emerged causing Ron to whimper as for Y/N he just stared coldly at the spider.

"Hagrid is that you?"

"We're friends of Hagrid." I said. "And you... you're Aragog, aren't you?"

"Yes." Aragog said. "Hagrid has never sent men into our Hollow before."

"You're an Arcomantula aren't you?" Y/N asked.

"Yes you're a smart one aren't you?"

"Hagrid is in trouble." I said. "Up in the school, there have been attacks. They think it's Hagrid. They think that he opened the Chamber of Secrets, like before."

"That's a lie." Aragog yelled. "Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets."

"It's as I told you Harry." Y/N said. "Hagrid never opened the Chamber and Aragog is not the monster."

"No the monster was born in the castle. I came to Hagrid from a distant land, in the pocket of a traveller."

"Then tell us what is the monster." Y/N said impatiently. "I have an idea of what it is."

"WE DO NOT SPEAK OF IT!" Aragog yelled. "It is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all others."

"But have you seen it?"

"I never saw any part of the castle but the box Hagrid kept me. The girl was discovered in a bathroom. When I was accused, Hagrid brought me here."

"Harry!" Ron whimpered as loads of other spiders started to come closer to us.

"Well thank you." I said fearfully. "We'll just...go now?"

"Go? I think not. My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command. But I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders into our midst. Goodbye friends of Hagrid."

"Can we panic now?" Ron whimpered. "Know any spells?"

"Just one but it's not powerful enough for all of them." I replied.

"Screw this I have not got time for this." Y/N said. "BOMBARDA MAXIMA!"

He pointed his wand in front of us and a huge explosion was caused sending spiders everywhere. More spiders came forward as Y/N and I raised our wands but before we could do anything we heard the roar of a car engine and Mr. Weasley's Ford Anglia drove into view knocking spiders out of the way before stopping Infront of us with its door opening by itself.

"Let's go!" I yelled as I got into the passenger's side and Ron in the driving seat as Y/N got into the backseat.

I pointed my wand out of the window and remembered the spell that Riddle had used 50 years ago.

"Arania Exumai!"

A beam of white light emitted from my wand as spiders were thrown back away from the car.

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