Who is the Half-Blood Prince and History revealed.

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Harry's POV

This book is the property of the Half-Blood Prince.

For a month, I had been reading the name over and over in the book. Whoever this person was they must have been smarter than Snape or Slughorn. Thanks to them I had my own small vial of liquid luck. I knew that Jasmine and Hermione where upset about how I got it and Jasmine and I had a few arguments about it. She would leave in a huff, and I would go back to the book only to realise that I was upsetting the person who loved me. I would hang my head and after the last time I swore I would never have the argument again. Mainly because Y/N came over an gave me a lecture I never thought I would receive, and I didn't want to be in a similar situation to what Ron went through with him. Tonight, though Y/N and I were to head to Dumbledore's office as he wished to see us. Y/N and I walked towards Dumbledore's office talking as we walked up the staircases.

"Y/N I am sorry for....." I began before Y/N raised his hand to silence me.

"You don't need to apologise to me Potter." He said as we crossed onto another staircase that moved. "You need to apologise to Jasmine. Do you have any idea how upset she was?"

"Yeah I know."

"I don't think you do." He said as we headed down a corridor towards the stone Gargoyle that led to Dumbledore's office. "There were nights after you headed to bed that she and I would sit in the common room, and she would be so upset. She would have tears run down her face. She has only ever looked out for you so that lecture I gave you the other night? That was your warning do it again and there will be hell to pay am I clear?"

I went to reply and as I looked at him I saw his eyes change colour and I closed my mouth and just nodded. We arrived at the Gargoyle statue and Y/N said the password and the Gargoyle sprang aside as we climbed the spiralling staircase before knocking on Dumbledore's door and entering the office. Dumbledore had wanted to see us as he wanted to tell us about Riddle and how we could stop him. And for Y/N I imagined it was for other reasons as well. Dumbledore stood in front of us with his charred hand on his desk and the Pensive in front of him. But I also noticed that there were two other items on his table. One being a ring with a black stone and the second being Tom Riddle's diary?

"Good evening Harry and Y/N I see you got my message." He said with a smile. "Please sit."

As Y/N and I sat down he looked at us with his eyes twinkling behind his glasses.

"So how are the both of you?" he asked us.

"Fine sir." We both replied.

"And what of your classes?" Dumbledore asked. "I hear that Professor Slughorn is very impressed with the both of you."

I looked at Y/N who took a small vial with gold liquid in it.

"You are not the only one who knows how to crush a bean Harry." He said before placing the vial back in his pocket.

"Did you copy me?" I asked.

"No why would I need to?" He replied. "I already knew how to make the potion in my sleep."

"But by any event." Dumbledore said with a smile. "I am sure you are wondering as to why I have asked you to be here tonight. The answer lies here."

We watched as he opened a cabinet full of glass vials. There were dozens upon dozens of them and Dumbledore picked up one and showed it to us.

"What you see before you are memories." Dumbledore said as he walked back to the Pensive. "All of these memories pertaining to one individual Voldemort. Or as he was known then.... Tom Riddle."

Dumbledore took out the cork stopper and poured the memory into the Pensive.

"This vial contains a particular memory, the day I first met Tom. I would like you to see it. If you both would please..."

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