57. 'you're not just anyone '...why arnav said that?

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Khushi ( POV )

Today is our program day. We were so excited for the program but something happened which made us little sad.

Veer got a call early in the morning when we were having breakfast. He got a call from his base that he has to report as fast as possible...their was an emergency.

Without another word veer went and got ready. I helped him pack his bag, "I wish you could stay longer. " I told him, he paused whatever he was doing and sat on bed beside me.

" Even I want to but I cant....its matter of lives and well I cant risk others life can I? " he said and of course that makes sense. He continued " you know once I made a mistake...I let you go. Not that I have those feelings now cause I have my love already present in my life....but you don't make that mistake okay. Dont let your love walk away from you life. " he said and I couldn't answer him.

" Although I would have loved to tease your Arnav more...guess he is jealous enough for you to see. Have a wonderful life together. " he wished me and we together walked out of the room.

" Do you really have to go? " asked Judge Hudson to him. " Yes dad. It was Roshni's letter dad and..." before he could continue other asked all together " who is Roshni? " well no one seems to know about her.

" Roshni...my wife. She didn't get her application excepted so she couldn't be here. But next time..." he told but didn't finish his sentence.

But the surprise was too much to handle for them. Since he is leaving no one asked him about anything.

" Thanks for the love and care. Just in few days you have shown me whats its like to have a mother. You loved me more than I deserve...thank you. " Said veer to Rose madam.

" You dont have to thank me...I am thankful to lord for getting such an amazing child. " She said with tears in her eyes.

" It was such a good time with you people...hope to see you soon. Thanks for this wonderful time. " he said and gave hug to everyone.

" But dont be sad and not celebrate what we planned or that will make me supper sad. " he said to us. " It wouldn't be same without you. " Said Zoya bhabi.

" Trust me its going to be better. So no sad faces....smile please. " he said and we forced a smile for him. " Better. " he whispered.

Arnav wanted to accompany him to the airport so they left together. Judge Hudson sat on an table with sad expression...its going to be a long day.

Arnav ( POV)

we reached at the airport on time. I am feeling so bad...really I doubted this guy.

" Arnav...can I ask something from you? " he asked me without looking towards me. " yes...go ahead. " I told him. He waited for sometimes than opened up to me. He told me something which I cant share with anyone right now. But that pained my heart a lot. I felt for him.

" If...I or roshni..no one returns..please take care of my parents...please. " he requested me.

" Don't say that...I know you will come back. But if my promising you makes you happy then... You dont have to worry okay...I am their for Judge Hudson. I will take care of them " I told him and he relaxed a lot.

" And dont keep your love just in your heart, khushi can do anything but not read mind okay...so do tell her about your love. " he said and here I can't even disagree with him.

" I will keep it in mind. " I told and he nodded. We talked some more than it was time for him to leave. We stood together and I told " promise me...you're coming back. " I asked him.

He laughed and said " Thats something I cant do...but if life brings me back than you will be the first one that I meet with. " he told and left. I sat their watching him go. That brave army...hope everything goes well for him.

Khushi ( POV )

Arnav came from airport and sat on a sofa with a sad expression. " Guys Why such sad face...my son is very brave he can handle any situation dont worry. " Said judge Hudson to us tying to give us hope.

" Yes he is very brave and I know he can handle it. " Said Arnav to others. We talked about it and decided to celebrate properly when Veer gets back. So the program is temporarily postponed.

My two moms took the new couple to temple to get gods blessings. Zoya bhabi went out to get some photos since we are leaving tomorrow. I feeling bored walked towards the garden and saw Arnav playing with saruh.

Little saruh trying to catch him as he runs around the garden. I took some cute pictures of them playing together. I sat on a bench to watch them. Arnav played some more than scooped saruh in his lap and sat beside me.

Saruh climbed down from his lap and snuggled in my lap and closed his eyes. He is such a drama I tell you. " I cant believe that little guy loves you more than me..." he said stroking the fur of the little guy.

" Yes he does loves me. " I told him smiling at saruh. " Veer and I had some intense conversation...and that made my heart heavy. I feel so bad for judging him at first. " he said with a sad face.

" I thought he doesn't care about judge Hudson and stays away...but now I know the reason. " he said. " Its not your fault...you dint knew about his work. " I told him but his face looks pained. What happened?

" Arnav you okay? " I asked him but he said nothing. He just walked away. He may not say anything but I know he is in pain but why?

Rest of the day went just by packing our bags. Sahara and I had to pack little more since we have our little ones with us. We have to pack snacks so that they could get entertained.

At night when we were in the room Arnav said " Roshni is missing " and it surprised me a lot. " Roshni is pregnant and was hospitalized... but their was a sudden attack. The baby is safe but Roshni....he doesn't know about it. " Arnav whispered.

" But he has not said anything to us about it. " I asked him. " Cause he is not sure about it and doesn't want others to worry about it. He told me not to say it to anyone. " he said looking at the celing of the room.

" But you told me. " I asked him.
" Cause your not 'anyone '...." he said looking straight in my eyes. I dont know if I am dreaming or not. But if I am dreaming than I dont want to wake up.

Author's Interview :

Suggest me any series to read. Something with happy ending. Series that you loved to read.

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