65. Fun day with the kid : khushi heart to heart with zoya ( part 1 ).

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Khushi ( POV )

Next morning.

" May I get in? " I called zoya bhabi before entering her room. She was just helping Aditya bhaiya get ready for the day. " Since when you need permission to get in ?....come in. " she told while folding some cloths in a bag.

" Looking at your love I thought I should knock to avoid some awkward situation. " I told her. Her cheeks burned red she said
" Girl stay way from samrat....not good company for you. " she said and Aditya bhai laughed with her.

" Going anywhere ? " I asked her. " Nope Adi has flight today will come back tomorrow ...packing for him. " she said , perfect for me. " Well I was here to ask you if you're free ...since I came here we didn't get enough time to bond. So I was planning to spend the day with you. We will shop , watch movie , go into a parlor and have fancy dinner. What do you think ? " I asked her.

" Sounds like a good plan....and since Adi is going out its perfect. We seriously need a girls night out. " said zoya bhabi. " Hope you don't have any problem ? " I asked Aditya bhai jokingly. " Not at all...can't stop you sisters from having fun. " he said. " Thank you. " I told him and we all laughed.

After sometimes Aditya bhai left , I bathed and feed the little one and coaxed her to sleep. Made coffee for grumpy sam who is not looking happy.....after last night event. " sam you know that face doesn't suit you right ? " I asked him but he made no reply.

" Do you really want to go out today ? " he asked taking the coffee mug , finally someone talking. " yes , you know why...its very important for her. After everything she did for me I want to help her. I talked with rukshar ( read earlier chapters to know more ) and she told talking might help. " I told and he nodded while taking sip of his coffee.

" Why Sasha didn't came with you ? Didn't see you stay away from her that often. " I asked him. " Sahara will bring her after her vet's appointment.... Can't miss that. " he replied. Must say Samrat is very responsible person....he may not look like one but he is.

" will momo ( my mother ) be back soon ? " he asked , well she went for a wedding party and will be back next week. " Next week...why ? " I asked while packing stuff for eating in the way...town from here is really far away.

" Nothing ....just curious. " he said and I know he asks nothing without a reason but to busy for that right now.

Arnav ( POV )

" Can't believe she actually trusted you with a kid. " I said looking towards samrat. " Neither could I " he said as we both are looking towards a sleeping baby.

" cant believe she trusted us with a baby as little as that one. " I said under my breath. No kidding...we may be good with our pets but not with kids.

" But she did and we have to show her that she wasn't wrong about us. " said samrat...as if we have any other choice. I better check the list that she left with us. It said what we should do and what we shouldn't.

" sam , Khushi left a list of things for us to do. Let's just go through it for once :

1 . Change diaper when needed ( yes , you guys can divide this work among yourself. ) wipe properly , throw the dirty one in bin ,powder her back a little , make her wear new one.

2. If she vomits..don't panic its natural as long as its little. Just wipe her face and she is going to be Alright.

3. No more than 30 to 60 ml milk per feed. Don't try to feed more than that.

4. No loud noises when she is sleeping that will scare her give her a fit and you can't stop her crying.

5. Wash hands with sanitizer before picking her up , feeding her .

6. If she cries real hard with hands on stomach than its a stomach ace. Her medicine is on the basket with a level with a give her two drops of medicine.

7. If she doesn't sleep entertain her , no business call , earthquake call ....nothing just be with her.

8. Don't give her water to drink ...no she is not old enough for that yet so no water.

9. And if everything fails than call me...I will be back home as quickly as possible.

And that's the whole list " I told samrat who is stunned beyond words. " Its hard man. " he could only mutter that much. I didn't say anything but even I know its a hard job but we have to do it....best of luck to us.

Khushi ( POV )

" Finally I took my skin care seriously for a day....I usually dont have time for that " said zoya bhabi. We just returned after shopping and a nice spa.

" Your skin looks so flawless...." I told her as we sat down on a bench. So we're not in the main town but in the country side.

Here is a resturant ran by Johnson family and its quite popular here. It gives you picnic vibes....like you order your food, than they give you matt and a basket. You just set your picnic spot and have your lunch. Its a pretty much wide space so you can have your privacy.

" Yeah! right...." she laughed while placing the matt under a shade. We sat together. We have bought fried rice, naan, chicken curry, and cold drinks.

" Its so nice to have lunch outside sometimes...." said zoya bhabi feeling relaxed and enjoying the day. She is having such a nice day....should I ruin it with the topic that I am going to bring out? lets eat first than will talk with her.

Samrat ( POV )

" Its your turn man " said Arnav throwing the diaper bag towards me. " Bro it was your turn " I said throwing the bag towards him.

" We can't go on like that man. You have to be brave enough to do it. " Said Arnav taking his phone and finding something.

" First of all...you woke her up twice with your shouting. Now what are you doing on your phone....rule number, 7. If she doesn't sleep entertain her , no business call , earthquake call ....nothing just be with her. " I told him and he walked towards me with his phone.

" Khushi recorded some tutorial for changing diaper...use it and do it. " he said handing me his phone. Well right khushi saved my life.....I took his phone. Now lets get started.

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