36. Trying to get samrat and sahara together.

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Sahara ( POV )

I don't want to stay here anymore...too hurt for that. But if I leave now others will think I am a coward and I can't afford to lose my face here. So I guess I am staying here. Khushi did her ' cooking ritual ' in the morning and now is quite free.

So now they are entertaining samrat...I mean helping him practice so that he could get back on his feet again. He is trying hard but that will take time. I sitting on a sofa watching him and nearly getting heart attack every time when he almost hit the floor but caught by Arnav or Aditiya.

" My sondesh.... is back on his legs I am so happy. " said Arnav's mother with tears of joy in her eyes. " with your blessings misti maa. " he said , not literally but he touched her feet from the air as he can't bend much. " God bless you my boy ....god bless you. " she said.

" Have you decided what you going to call me ? " asked Khushi's mother to sam and he said " I will call you momo..." and wait what ? He is straight up going to call her momo. " And why is that ? " she asked.

" cause they are good , loved by all and I love you " he reasoned with her. She laughed and told " well , if that's what you want and I will call you samosha. " and that earned her a good giggle from everyone. " Deal " said sam.

" You guys have fun we are going laxmi mandir for puja and Miss Rosy coming with us....we will be back before night. " said Arnavs mother. " Mummyji , don't eat anything unhealthy outside...mom take care. " said Dr Khushi.

" Yes , yes I get you. " said Arnavs mother with a huge smile. Arnav suddenly appeared out of nowhere , whispered something on Khushi's mothers ear , she said " Really .....you sure ? " and he nodded. " Alright....if you say so. " she said and he gave her some envelopes. She took them and told " Well do think about it and let me see what I can do....its a risky job. " she told Arnav and put the envelopes back in her bag.

" Let's go " she said to her companion, all surprised eyes on her but she said nothing and left . slowly her companion also left. It took five minutes to recover from that schok and start working. We asked Arnav about it but he said nothing. So they began the walking journey.

" Almost there...I am sure you will be fine in few days and again run around like you used to do. " said zoya Bhabi encouraging him. " our sam can do anything...he is very samvar. And soon he can jump buildings again. " said Khushi .

" Means I can save my coffee from getting stolen by you. " he asked Khushi teasingly. " That will never happen.. You make such delicious coffee that we have house rights to steal it from you. " said Khushi and everyone laughed. " I see...my poor coffee ...my heart suffer. " said sam dramatically.

" Done drama queen" asked Zoya bhabi and he whipped his nose on her palluh. " Ewww you nasty boy. " she complained but with a smile like how you just showing scold someone. " Come on one more try. " said Aditiya and thus they began again.

Must say he knows how to make friends...in few days he became good friend of Khalid , Rukshar , sankalpa, Jhanvi , Khushi , Yuvraj... he was center of attraction for them. They would literally just sit around him doing stuff on their phone but sitting near him as if that gave them energy to survive.

Even when he is sitting alone you can see a group of people surrounding him making small talks and look at me I can hardly make friends. Maybe he is right....maybe we really don't fit in together. " You do....he may always be with a large company but you are the only company he seeks. " said Arnav sitting with me.

" was I loud ? " I asked him, " No....perhaps I can read minds. " he said and cracking jokes is not what Arnav does...but that was a good one. " Mr Mind reader what brings you here ? " I asked him.
" concern of my friend... I know he loves you . He can be Mr smarty pants but I know where his heart lies. I just don't understand exactly what made him like this. " he said in one go , long speech from him....nice improvement.

" I don't know maybe he got fed up already.... doesn't want to waste time behind me and is going to marry in a year. " I told the last part with great difficulty. " By the by , when Samrat marries...what will be that day for you ? Divorce day or one year marriage anniversary ? " I asked him.

" That should not be your concern... Your concern should be who is going to sit beside Samrat on the wedding ceremony " he said and yes I understand both the topics little uncomfortable for both of us. " Now sam is talking about someone's arrival... Someone named Eka Ray , and he may try to do stuff which irritates you.... but you don't get irritated and stand strong and that will confuse him beyond his wild imaginations. " said Arnav, and I absorbed all information like plants absorb sunshine. Well , how stupid of people to call him Mr Angry young man and what not , to me he is an Angel.

Khushi ( POV )

I could see Arnav talking with sahara and by her expression I could say she even thought him her angel...good , good the plan is working. Last night we decided to bring them together we can't be in the same team.

So I told him to support her and I will try to know what's in Sam's mind. And he goes too much overboard and Sahara wants to leave than Arnav can stop that. I though he wouldn't agree with my idea but got schoked when he readily agreed with the idea .....someone is getting better.

" Guys can I have your attention please. " I called out and everyone gathered around me. " I know time is not that good , our friends just went home and we are missing them but they left us with a work which we must complete and that is marriage of Rosy mam and Judge Hudson and I think we should make a plan. " I reminded them about the current situation and everyone went into deep thinking.

" We must do something which enables them to meet everyday and that can help a lot. " suggested sahara and I think that's a good idea. " But how is that going to happen ? He wouldn't let us enter in his garden , nor he is social enough to get here on our every call...nor do we have eternal time for this....so how does it works. "asked sam , genuine question but right now he is just being rude.

" Zoya bhabi ...you will tell her that you want to learn a particular song dance form cause ....you're client wants you to dance on it. Than we will also show interest and to learn we can use the nice platform that's in the middle of Hudson garden. " suggested sahara , not a bad idea....may sam be happy with it.

" Wouldn't he suspect anything ? He was Judge of supreme court and I had misfortunes of fighting case in front of him....that man is sharpest. Wouldn't he ask since we have so much large area where we literally conducted a whole wedding.... Why can't four people dance on this area ? " asked sam and why are they fighting ?

" When heart thinks brain becomes useless..... he wouldn't mind. " said sahara. " Alright than let me go and take permission and start the whole thing. " said Arnav.

" You will be going. " asked zoya Bhabi surprised. " I waited my whole life to find a correct moment to return everything that he has done to me and time has come for my revenge. " he said with an evil smile and trust me he looked scary.

" All the best. " I whispered and he left the house, hope everything goes well. I don't know what he has with Judge Hudson but he is quite angry with him....hope he judges wisely.

Authors Interview.

Author - ~ Life can be sometimes so lonesome ~
Samrat - ~ That's why I always look for someone handsome ~
Sahara - ~ But that handsome guy was a playboy ~
Author - ~ Playing with hearts just like a toy ~
Aditiya - ~ And that led him in the path that destroy ~
Author - ~ But once he felt the touch of light in his heart ~
Khushi - ~ He went for another good start ~
Arnav - ~ He once again started walking in the path of love ~
Samrat - But he hated the new start...
Author - You ruined my song.
Samrat - Thank you , same to you , Back to you , No return.
Author - what have I ruined ?
Samrat - My life.
Author - You know what samrat chaudhary you got enough pampering... Its time I ruin you.
Samrat - Author I was joking...don't get mad. Look I am such a poor thing , can't walk , can't sing.....don't be mad....coffee ☕🍪 ?
Author : I like my coffee in a large mug ,with Oreo biscuits and dont forget to put chocolate 🍫 and marshmallows.
Samrat : You got it.
Author - * To Audience * what ? I did nothing.

Note :

I don't like proof reading but I forgot if I had mentioned anything about Sam's family or have I called him ' samrat Singh ' and not ' samrat chaudhary ' , if you find anything regarding this matter do let me know , that will be huge help for me.

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