51. Fake boyfriend...is Arnav jealous?

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Khushi ( POV )

2 Days later.

After having dinner with my circus. Yes I called them circus cause it was a complete battle in the dinning table. But I loved it and scares me a lot this days. Will I survive if I have to live without them ?

Should I talk with Arnav about it ? Since he has no relationship with laxmi...should we focus on our relationship now ? . what am I thinking.... he will think I am gold digger. Want to stay with him for his money. Forget it....Arnav went to talk with Aditiya and others so I got sometimes to reflect on my decisions.

I sat on the swing on the balcony , its such a beautiful sight. Its full moon night and the cool light of the moon is reminding me about my fantasy night with Arnav .. ...at least I will have some long lasting memories with him .

Yesterday Zoya brought out a Saragama caravaan for me since I love old songs so much. I played it and it started playing the song ' Gali main aaj chand nikla ' Its smooth and rhythmic. Perfect for the present scene. I can spent whole night here in perfect peace.

Arnav ( POV )

" Judge Hudson its high time....you have to man up and do the work . " I told judge Hudson who is looking quite timid. And trust me I am loving this version of Hudson.

" You love....their is nothing wrong in it. And tomorrow you will tell her that. And that's final...she has the right to know. " said Aditiya bhai.

" Yes...but I am very nervous. What if she says ' No ' " he said and it took hot second for me to stop myself from laughing looking at him . ( Author : You just wait and watch Darling.... I will make you cry. ) said anything ? ( Author : Nothing..* whistling * Nothing ).

" Their is only one way to know whether she will say yes or no. " said Arjun. " what it is ? " asked Judge Hudson. " Ask her simple.... Judge Hudson you once gave me courage to talk with Eka and see everything is okay. And today I am giving you the courage and trust me everything will be okay. " said Arjun to him.

" At least you will have an answer to your question. " said samrat and ....you know I never thought sam can be that mature. " And if she says no ...you will save sometime to go for another option. " Knew it ...classic sam.

" Its not Calender page that I will change everyday. I am serious. " said Judge Hudson, kabhi maar khayaga yeh samrat. But back to Judge Hudson who is quite nervous.

" we know your serious... Show it to her. Tell her how serious you're for her, make her feel special and she can never say no to so much love. " said Aditiya. My brother is expert in this area.

" or have to arrange roses for her wedding with someone else. Will that be okay with you ? " asked sam to Judge Hudson. That guy is pro blackmailer I tell you. " No no....I will tell her. Let me talk with my son first. " said Judge Hudson. Thank god he agreed.

" yes talk with him and I am sure he will be very supportive. " said Aditiya bhai. We encouraged him more .Hope everything goes well.

Khushi ( POV )

After ' Jane woh kaise log the jinke pyar ko pyar mila ' I stopped the radio and stared aimlessly in the night sky. What I am looking at I don't know but I am looking for sometimes in it.

" Its beautiful isn't it " Arnavs voice scared me. I jumped on my seat. " sorry , I didn't mean to scare you.....coffee? " he bought coffee for me...wow. I took a sip and the coffee is just the way I like. I said " Thank you. "

" Mention not. " he sat with me and he has also switched off the lights which enhanced the beauty of the moon light. " Actually I sometimes love to have coffee at night. " he said. Well true friend of samrat.

Moon light, coffee and a nice company life can't get better than this. For sometime I can enjoy my life life without any tension. We lied in the swing gazing the beautiful sky.

We are here for two days now and time is flying with wings here. Arjun's garden house is so big and this place is more beautiful. We roamed around a lot and had so much fun. Saruh is loving it in here. He could run around and play with other animals. He became Sasha's friend and now always play with her.

Arnav has become so talkative. He would talk or tease samrat ending in fighting . But soon we will be back and I will miss this days.

" Did Judge Hudson agree with your plan ? " I asked him. He nodded and told "First he didn't agree thinking about the society and his son but we explained him and now he agreed. " he said.

" yes people had to think so much their steps...can't even live life on our own will. But I am glad that he found his true one. " I told him and he nodded.

" Tell me..you spend so much time with your fake boyfriend... How come you fell for him ? " he asked me. " cause we didn't want to be in relationship that's why. " I told and he said nothing. " How you never loved laxmi ? " I asked him.

" Well in my business mind their was no room for love that's why . " he said. So their is space for love now ? But will I ever get share from it ? We lied their in silence. The swing is like a big bed and since its really hot we sleep out her in the nature.

" A random question.... have you ever seen any sunrise with your so called Boyfriend ? " he asked , why is he so curious about my fake boyfriend ? Even I forgot that guy. " No I haven't why ? " I asked him.

" It is said when a boy wants to see sunrise with you that means he is serious about you . ( Author : I have no idea about it ) "he said , well never heard about it. " we were not serious so it never happened. " I told him.

" Down by the bridge near the blue lake.... Its said you can see the most beautiful sunrise in your life ...will you go ? "he asked me. Well I would love that. " yes I will " I said but did he just indirectly said he wants to make it forever.... No I am just thinking too much. He has not meant that or did he ? Doesn't matter what I can't wait for the morning light.

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